Far from free

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The dampness surrounded my wet body.

Sweat drenched me as I convulsed on the ground. Echo tore into every pore tearing me apart from the inside out. Another pleading cry left my cracked lips. Liams green shirt clung to My sweat like glue.

I looked at myself in the reflection of the glass that caged me. The wall around me were stone but a metal door stood to my left and a 30 ft bullet proof glass wall stood in front of me. I tried throwing things at it but it was useless. The metal chair was bent to hell. I was surprised by my own strength.

This serum would kill me if it didn't see my body fit for its reign. In a weak attempt I tried to lift myself from the cool concrete. My dirt covered cheek rested once more against the ground. I heard the dull click of keys. The lights seemed all to bright now. I winced at the screeching of the door.

No one came in. It wasn't my cell. A tiered sigh left my lungs.

It has been three weeks.

Three long harsh weeks. Id scratched lines into the stone with a lose stone I pulled from the wall. I was malnourished. But that was my own stupidity. I wouldn't touch the food they gave me. I would just puke it up in the morning. I rolled onto my back closing my eyes. Was Liam ok? Were they looking for me? I didn't even get to spend a day with my new family. I was harshly ripped away from it. Like most things.

Today was a Saturday. Meaning Sergio would be coming to bleed me. He bagged my blood for goddess knew what.

I stood on shaky legs to sit in a corner. Maybe ill feel a little warmth from the heat in the earth. I was dozing off the fire in my blood cooling down just for a moment. Maybe 20 seconds later the screeching of my door opened. Sergio had the normal equipment with him. 4 rally bags, IV, and a cooler.

One of his henchmen put two chairs sat across from each other a few feet away from me. I noticed a sheathed blade attached to his pants. If I could just reach it. He sent a smug look my way, his bald head shiny. "Don't even try." the rumble of his voice made me pause. He stalked towards me his burly form intimidating. But I've taken Sergios men before. Slit their thick necks. Basked in the blood.

My thoughts were murderous and I didn't quite disagree with them. He reached for me and that when I took my opportunity. My shrunk back form was hurled towards his open arms. But instead of them wrapping around me I grabbed his blade slicing behind his knee. He fell to the ground his blood pulling down his leg. I quickly stabbed him right below his ass cheek. A sadistic smile formed on my face as I went for another slice. A low growl paused my actions. My mind went fuzzy and I dropped the blade. The low hum of the room was loud now. I was grabbed by the wrists placed in the chair with my hands bound to the arms. With a click I was now aware of my surrounding once more.

Sergios smirk stayed on his face as he leaned over to clean the dip in my arm. The clear gloves on his hands allowed me to study the rings on his fingers. I payed attention to the glint as the needle moved through my flesh. I winced watching my blood flow through the tubes into the bag.

My head lulled back. Sergio looked up at me, "Have you not been eating?" his tone could have stopped time. He looked around at his 2 goons. "Why have I not been informed of her behavior?" he shouted. The echo of his words reverberated in my skull. A migraine formed behind my eyes. Neither of them answers. Both afraid of their boss's wrath. Sergio growled lowly, "Get out!" they didn't need to be told twice. They left leaving us in silence.

One filled with tension and murderous intents.

Sergio finished draining blood putting a small gauze pad on my arm. I felt weaker than I did before. The coolness of his ring bit into my skin, "I'm going to come back with food. I will hand feed you if that's what it takes." his fingers left an icy chill in their wake.

As he promised he came back not even five minutes later minus the gloves and blood bags. He sat closer to me this time. My head was still to the side lazily. He brought a spoonful of whatever the steaming substance was to my lips. I clenched my jaw moving my head farther back.

My white hair stuck to my forehead not covering my face. There was that growl again. Before I knew it, I was chewing warm food. The click from before sounded in my ears. I looked down at the bowl. No more food was in it.

My body ate up the nutrients. I wanted to vomit. He pulled out a wipe from his pocket wiping my dirt stained face studying me. "If you behave you wont have to stay down here anymore. You'll be able to shower and-" my spit hit him right in the eye. He squinted his eye trying to see.

I broke from the binding of my chair. I tackled him to the ground. The screech of metal against concrete was piercing. I grabbed a fist full of his hair ready to paint the bland concrete with his warm blood. Right as I was about to go through with my plan I'm punched in the face. White stars dot my vision as my skull collides with the floor. A straggled cry leaves my lips.

Blood that I can't afford to lose seeps from between my fingers. Sergio climbs atop me straddling my waist. His fingers dig into the skin of my throat. My hands shoot out pushing at his face. My blood gets in his mouth. I watch his nostrils flair and his body go rigid . His hold on me still tight. He looks down at me his eyes bleeding black.

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