Lunch Time

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Nicolas Pov. 

Her blood ran though my system. The feeling was one that I was all to familiar with. My body has been starved of human blood for a little while now. My senses had become dull, my strength and speed were that of a human. Almost. The euphoric sensation was like a high that I enjoyed. I could feel my senses and my physical abilities start to come back.

I sat with my elbows on my knees waiting for my guards to escort me to the lunch room. A couple more minutes and the sound of metal dragging against the concrete caught my attention. A smirk rose to my lips as they came in. "Nicolas dont give us any trouble and we wont use this." he raised one of the darts they liked to use on me. I put my hands out letting them chain me up. They dragged me out of the room with ease. I didnt plan on attacking anyone even though my body surged with power. A growl passed my lips as the bright cafeteria lights irritated my sensitive eyes. 

I was sat at a table by myself. No one really bothered anyone in here. We were all psychopaths, some more than others. I let out a sigh as I watched 3 males stand up from a table. They looked at me, the trouble in their eyes evident. I rolled my eyes all I wanted was a nice relaxing moment. Was that to damn much to ask for? They stood in front of me now. I noticed by their blue jumpers that they were werewolves. The one in the middle was a bulky son of a bitch with a bald head and dull brown eyes. The two that flanked his side were almost identical. Both with short hair and slim bodies. I looked up lazily at the man in the middle. He had a shit eating grin on his face. I wanted so much to wipe it off.

"So, Newbie how's your stay been? I heard you're in here for life. And by that jumper you've got a long time." I didnt care nor want to answer his questions. He seemed irritated by that. He crouched down to meet my eyes. "so you think your better than us or sum? We know who you are. Nicolas Blane. You've been killing werewolves for years you bastard. You're lucky. Really damn lucky." I locked eyes with him for a moment. He sure did look angry. Once he figured I wouldn't answer he got up circling behind me. He sat his hands on my shoulder squeezing them. His breath ran across my ear, 

"A little birdy told me your betrothed is a rouge. They also told me she was that hot ass Enforcer who works for Jones. She was the one who put you away?" I clenched my jaw. He didnt know shit. I stiffened as he continued, "I was thinking. I might drop by her house as a surprise. Seeing as I should be out of here soon. Once she opens that door, I wont hesitate to grab her. No doubt shell fight me but I've always liked my play things feisty. Once I've got her undressed ill-" I don't give him time to finish. I snap my shackles reaching up for his head. I pin his throat against my shoulder applying force.

One of his men come at me but I'm quick as hook my legs around his neck pulling him against my crotch. He grips my thighs trying to get free. Mr. Clean tries to break from my hold on his head. I spin my body enough to hear the satisfying crunch of his neck. I push off his corps which allows me to straddle his friends' shoulders. Without hesitating I grip his head twisting it until it snaps. My feet hit the ground with a silent thud. I look up spotting guards. I back away from the corpses slowly. I spot the 3rd guy standing behind them with fear in his eyes. I smile at him. Poor thing has piss running down his leg.

One of the guards shoot me in the shoulder. I pull the needle from my body dropping it to the floor. I'm shot a few more times. I drop to the ground as the fluid from the darts start to take hold. I smirk as the guards take in the bodies. "God damnit!" is the last thing I hear before I'm suddenly kicked in the face.

Well it seems those mutts' wont be enjoying their chew toys anymore. and I wont get to show off my raging boner.

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