Lucas' Heart

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Lucas Pov.

She had laid in my arms struggling to breath, struggling to stay alive. I was covered in her blood, it felt as if it was burning my skin. I had taken Nicolas to his cell up in the mountains. He would have a hard time escaping this time.

"Lucas. I want to ask you a favor." Nicolas spoke in a hushed whisper. I turned to him; he was dressed in a red jumper. His usual tan skin was now pale. His eyes had lost their shine. He gripped the bars of his personal cell. "Please, look for that bastard that harmed Lila. If you won't do it for me... at least do it for her." he sounded heartbroken and determined. I ran my hands through my hair finalizing my decision. "I will Blane." I walked out of the vault. The guards behind me secured the lock. I would find that bastard and kill him myself if I have to.

I went home that night determined to find Sergio's location and were he would be in than next week or so. "God Damnit!" I slammed my hands onto the desk.

How the hell have I not found anything? My eyes scanned over the documents I pulled up on Sergio Vitali. I hadn't yet found any useful information on where he could be. I guess he was heading to Italy but that's all I knew.

I gripped my hair in both of my hands. Tears formed in my eyes. I blinked causing them to fall down my cheeks. The dripped onto my desk staining my papers with water. In anger I shoved everything off my desk yelling at the top of my lungs.

I sat in the floor with a bottle of jack. I brought the glass rim to my lips letting the liquid flow down my throat making me feel warm.

She made me feel warm.

I thought about the first time I seen her.

She walked into the station dressed in uniform.  Her hair was in a ponytail and she had a smile on her face.

I was sitting at my desk going through a file when at the corner of my eye I caught the sight of white. I spotted a girl with white hair standing in the middle of a crowd.

I rushed out of my office to see what was going on. I looked for Joshua but he seemed to be in the crowd as well.

I studied the beautiful girl. She had an aura that felt safe. It made since why everyone surrounded her.

"I'm looking for Jones?" Her voice rang out. It was like listening to a melody. Her voice was so calming. I raised my brow before whistling. Her head popped up looking at me. She moved through the crowd apologizing as she made her way to me.

I inhaled deeply catching her scent. It was odd but it fit her well.

"Hello chief Jones. I'm Lila Payne. I'm the-" I cut her off before she could finish.  "you're the Enforcer with a trigger rank. It's nice to finally meet you Payne." We shook hands before walking into my office.

"Everyone back to work!" I shouted before closing the door.

She stood stiffly in front of my desk holding her profile in her hands. I sat in my chair motioning for her to sit. She sat down with her hands  in her lap. "No need to be so stiff Lila." I spoke. A pink tinge rose to her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous." She moved a piece of loose hair behind her ear. I leaned back, "So? How'd you get into this field?" I knew already. I just wanted to hear her speak about it.

She clears her throat. " well just like anyone else I went to school for it. I didn't start out in the field once I graduated. I worked somewhere else for a while. I was notified that I could be useful down here so I'm now sitting in your office." She studied me. I watched her facial expressions.

She worked for Dante at Nox. She worked for the BDSM club underneath. She had been working there for quite sometime, do to recent events she's no longer working there. I needed someone like her on the team. I've seen her in action. She went to an academy for this shit and she was hella good at it. I could and wouldn't pass up the offer.

"Interesting." I say rubbing my chin. She lays her profile on my desk. "Here. You should have this." She didn't seem so shy anymore.

I took it opening it up. I flipped through it a few times spotting different things. She was an interesting female. She was smart, strong, beautiful. She was perfect.

I placed the profile on my desk folding my hands. I looked her in her eyes. She looked in mine not backing down. This went on for a few more moments before she blinked. "I win." I chuckled. She raised a brow, "what?" She was confused.

"I win." I repeated. The look on her face was priceless. I got up from my chair as did she. "Welcome to the team Enforcer Payne." We shook hands once more. A bright smile lined her lips, "Fuck yea!" She said. I don't think she meant to say it out loud because she instantly looked embarrassed.

I laughed at her pink cheeks. "It's fine Payne" she smiled. "I'll introduce you to Joshua." I said as I lead her out the door into the buzzing room.

I look at the clock. Fuck, I have work in the morning. I stood up setting the bottle on my desk. Stepping over papers I shut the door behind me.

I walked up to my room stripping my clothes off. I laid in my bed with my arm over my eyes, "why did it have to be her?" I whispered ot the empty room. I bit my lip trapping a sob in my throat. "Please be ok."

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