The death of a boy

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Liam Pov.
She was beautiful. I was frozen in awe. Every hair on my body stood in end at the power that rolled off of her. Her gray pelt was black spotted, She reminded me of cookies and cream ice cream.

I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything as Dante and Lucas fought against her. I could hear the light heartbeat of our child. It made me feel warm and fuzzy, but something cold seeped into my skin. My skin became warm and my gums strained against my teeth.

Lila crouched down, the muscle in her body coiling. She launched herself at Lucas. The cool night air brushed along my fur as I jumped tackling Lila. Our bodies rolled through the gravel kicking up dust. Lila scratched at my underbelly; her claws digging deep into my flesh.

A low growl reverberated in my chest. Lila locked eyes with me, the gold in them dull. My grip on her throat slackened and she took my weakness as an opportunity. She kicked me with a strength I didn't know was possible. Her jaw snapped around me throat, her teeth digging in drawing blood. I whimpered in pain as she tore at my fur. Before she could do anymore damage a blur of brown flashed before my eyes. Lila's weight was no longer on me allowing me to breathe.

I looked to my left noticing a huge brown wolf pinning Lila down. His eyes shot to me, Lucas. I forgot about Joshua until I spotted him. He stood on the other side of Lila with his light brown ears pinned back. A rustle in the trees drew my attention from my wife.

Dante came from the trees again, another black net in his grip. The net covered Lila, her skin sizzled. I could smell the wolfsbane from here, and the old witches' magic. She didn't whimper nor did she howl in pain. Her gaze was focused on Sergio as he rose from his seat. "Pathetic." he sneered.

In one fluid motion he shot Lucas and then Joshua. Dante grabbed my now shifted body jumping us into the trees. Joshua shifted instantly; the bullet buried deep in his side. Tears sparkled as they flowed down his cheeks. Joshua silently cried but Lucas had more control over himself. He limped over to Joshua protecting him from anymore harm with his own body. Sergio just smirked at them before crouching down next to Lilas uncounsious form.

I went to jump but Dante grabbed my arm, "Don't do it boy." he whispered. I looked over to him with a displeased grin. "What do you mean? He's going to take her again!" I couldn't help the desperation that leaked through my voice. I was scared. He just shook his head pointing. I looked back to Sergio.

Lila rested in his arms, her body covered in gashes. The net was left on the ground as Sergio walked to the open doors. Sebastian raised from his seat and so did Nicolas.

Nicolas wasn't looking to hot either with his sunken in eyes and almost translucent skin. I could see the fatigue written on his handsome face.

I noticed a glint in his eyes as they flashed black. He walked over to Sergio with a smile on his face. "Seems we have-" Sergio didn't get another word out as Nicolas's claws struck his throat. His eyes stayed on Nicolas the surprise on his face almost funny. "Uncle!" Sebastian didn't get to say anything else as the sound of a gun went off. The smoking barrel rested snuggly in Nicolas' shaking hand. The bullet pierced the boy in the head, his body dropping to the ground. Dead.

Nicolas quickly grabbed Lila from Sergios arms before his body fell into the gravel. I could see the fatigue and pain on Nicolas' face as his limbs silently shook as he tried to keep Lila up right. He couldn't be blood deprived so he must be weakened or dying from the lack of the mate bond. I turned to Dante; he had a small grin on his face that quickly depleted at the sight of his brothers weak form.

Nicolas pov.

My brothers words from earlier were fresh in my mind as I watch Lila fight.

"You can do the right thing here. You can still be good Nicolas. I know you can." He pleaded with me as we got ready to head to Sergios hide out.

I chewed on my lower lip in irritation. If I wanted to be good I would be, but it's not that easy. "Dante I'm addicted. I'm a literally drug addict. Who else is supposed to supply me?" I turn to his
tall form. He was leaned against the SUV staring at me with his dark eyes. His lip raised showing me his fangs, " maybe if you treated her better you wouldn't be in this mess now would you little brother." His words hit low in a tender part of my heart.

No matter what I thought or felt I could still feel the love for Lila in my heart. My unmoving heart. I hated it. But I hated it so much more that my brother was right. This was my fault, all of it. If I would have just stayed away, or if I was better and not a psycho.

I shifted uncomfortably as a physical ache washed over my body. Everything hurt and I felt like a human. Weak. These same waves has started right after Lilas rejection. It even took my own poison weeks before it was no longer in my blood stream. Either I was going to die soon or I needed to find someone else to be my beloved. I was to greedy to die just yet.

Dante noticed my movements, " you better come up with a plan quick. I can't have my little brother dying on me just yet." He clasped my shoulder roughly. I groaned as his fingers purposely dug into my skin bruising instantly.

Sergio has Lila in his arms when I came to. Something clicked and I knew instantly that I couldn't put her through this anymore. I couldn't ruin her life because she meant so much to me even though she will never want or need me. I knew that I had to put my stubbornness and idiocy aside to save her life So she could finally have a family of her own. The small heartbeat in her body was a reminder of new life and I couldn't let that die. Even if it wasn't mine.

My chest tightened up as I stood ready to give away my soulmate.

Liam POV.

"NO!" the harsh yell rang in my ears. Lucas held Joshua against his chest cradling the young man. "No, no come on stay with me boy." Lucas had tears running down his face. Blood poured profusely from the wound in Joshuas side. Daja vu struck me Lucas was the one to hold Lila when she was shot. Now here he was again. "Is Lila ok? Please tell me we won." Joshua whispered.

Lucas cradles Joshua against his bare chest rocking him back and forth like a small child, "She ok. Don't leave me. Not yet." His own hands covered in blood as he tried to keep the wound from bleeding.

He stroked his hair with shaking hand trying to make Joshua as comfortable as possible. "You're gonna be ok. Stop that you're gonna be fine!" he sobbed with a heart breaking smile one his face as Joshua started coughing up blood.

This was all fucked. Everything. Every part.

"I- I can't stop it. I'm a-sorry." Joshua was speaking so low now I could barely hear his words. I seen it the moment Lucas knew that he wasn't going to be able to save Joshua. "It's ok. You're ok. You'll be fine. Just hang in there and breathe. Don't apologize for anything." Lucas has stopped crying for a moments as he concentrated on Joshuas slowly paling skin.

Moments passed and we all knew we couldn't do anything. Joshuas heartbeat was slowly becoming hard to hear as it struggled to move in his chest. His blood ran still in his veins as I spilled onto the wet grass below him. The hand at his side slowly slipped into the pool of his blood.

Joshuas head lulled back snaking against Lucas' arm. Lucas let out a heartbreaking cry. He leaned over Joshuas body as his shoulders shook violently. Tears spilled down His cheeks as he forced himself to close Joshuas now dull ocean orbs.

I couldn't say anything, I just stood in silence as Lucas held his dead son in his arms.

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