Mission is a go pt.2

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As I glide past people my waist is caught in a pair of warm hands, I reach for the dagger that's been concealed under my dress. "Its me lup Dulce." Nicolas purrs in my ear. I roll my eyes with a sigh. "You are supposed to be looking for the drug lords Nicolas." I hiss through clenched teeth. He lets out a quiet laugh. "If we dance it would be less suspicious," he says in my ear. I turn to him placing my hands around his neck, is hands find my waist pulling me against his hard body. "That's a wonderful idea."

We dance for quite a while until Liam speaks. "I found Anna and Ben." I feel the adrenaline course through me at his words. "Where are you?" I ask. Liam doesn't answer for a while, I start to get irritated. He finally speaks again, "they're by the front doors, the ones we came through." I look at Nicolas, the smile on his face is terrifying. "Liam meet us in the middle of the room, under the chandelier." I say. He answers with a yes. I grab Nicolas' hand dragging him with me.

The throng of people we push through was enough to raise suspicion I'm sure, but most of the fine men and women here are drunk and or high. I spot Liam as he finally makes it to us his hair a disheveled mess. "Hey guys!" he says in a cheery tone. "Here is the plan, if we can avoid the bodyguards, we may be able to inject both Ben and Anna with the serum in Liam's breast pocket." Liam looks at me confused, I roll my eyes reaching into his pocket pulling out a purple liquid. I take three syringes out of my hair, each one was holding my hair up.

My hair falls over me in a white blanket as I focused on getting the liquid into the needles. I had Liam and Nicolas their needles. As we chat for a few more minutes I spot a few large males approaching us from all directions. They move through the crowd with ease. "Fuck!" I say loudly, I receive a few dirty looks from the crowd. "Nicolas, we have company take Liam with you make sure a few of the bodyguards see you." I speak to Nicolas knowing he's reading my thoughts. He nods his head tapping Liam on the shoulder. Liam nods his head and they get going. I slowly snake my way to the bathroom; I catch two of the bodyguards following me.

I walk until I'm stuck at a dead end, I turn around with a big smile on my face. The men stand in front of me their faces set in scowls.

"You're coming with us Payne." the one on the left lunges for me.

I wait for him to get at least a foot away from me before ducking between his legs. His buddy grabs me by my hair holding me against him. "Ha Enforcer my ass!" I smirk at his arrogance. I throw my head back smacking my captor in the nose. He drops me with a pained groan, landing on my feet I right hook the other dude in the jaw. He pulls himself together pulling out a gun from his waist. "Don't you fucking move Mutt!" he really did make a mistake, didn't he? I walk so the cold barrel of the gun rests on my lips, I kiss the tip of the gun. He watches me with cat like eyes.

In one swift movement his gun is in my grip facing him. He puts his hands up dropping to his knees. "say hi to Satan for me if this wound doesn't kill you." I shoot him in his upper thigh. He screams in pain falling over on his side. The fear in the other guys eyes was a beautiful sight as I walked away.

When I make it back to the ballroom its quiet and there is no one in sight. They must have cleared everyone out. I slowly walk to the middle of the floor; my eye catches a glint on one of the balconies looking over the ball room. I spot Liam no Nicolas as he runs to me. "where is Nic?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulder "He disappeared after we split up." he says, I groan.

"Lila, nice to see you again." That cold voice was always one I admired.

I watch Ben as he came out of the shadows. His face is stony as he approaches me. Anna is glued to his side like a parasite. "Hello Benji." I say sweetly. Anna snarls at me, I smile at her which only makes her more furious. she flicks her wrist downward forcing my body to the ground. my hands lay in my lap and my legs safely tucked under me. "Anna." Benj harshly says, she scoffs keeping me under her spell.

I knew Ben way before this mission he was a regular when I worked for Dante. he was someone I looked forward to seducing. He was an interesting male with very interesting past time. Now that I look up at him all I can see is an enemy.

Ben walks towards me, he glides his hand through my hair only to grab a fist full of it making me look up at him. "How's my princess been?" I cringe, my facial movement doesn't go unnoticed "Aww shy, are we?" he mocks me.

I feel the jealousy roll off of Anna as she watches her husband. A smirk rises on my lips as I look up at Ben. "I've been great Benji" I say looking at Anna. She sure has a temper on her, Benji always liked the feisty ones.

Liam watches Anna closely, his eyes focused on her hands. A wicked smile appears on her face and her hand start to close into a fist. Pain irrupts through my body making me whimper. Liam lowly growl the noise could make anyone shake but not the witches in front of us. Anna's eyes fall on him and his body hits the ground. he convulses violently on the floor, his suit starts to rip as he sprouts blonde fur and his body becomes bigger. He shifts unwillingly, a whimper echoes through the room.

My body stiffens at the sight of him. "Ben lets get this over with" Anna's voice is venomous. Ben sighs looking at her. I spot Nicolas behind Anna the syringe in his hand. Finally, he shows up. I look up at Ben, a look that I've used before on him. Desire flashes through his eyes. I motion for him to lean down and he does. I lean to whisper in his ear. "Goodnight Benji." with a kiss to his cheek I jab the syringe in his neck with the strength I have left. Betrayal clouds his eyes before he drop to the floor.

Nicolas follows doing the same to Anna. The magic from my body and Liam's is released. I get up popping my joints. I look at Liam with a small smile, "Nicolas help me put them on Liam's back. We will take them to my boss, you go home and we will meet up with you." I say. He nods.
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