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After signing out Lucas took me to my house so I could change clothes. I leave him in the kitchen. I hurriedly put on a hoodie and a pair of leggings. I can't wear any tight clothing on my upper body until I'm healed all the way. I walk over to the sticker on the floor. The compartment opens and I'm surprised to see only one gun is laying there with a sticky note on it.

You may need this.-Liam.

I smiled at the note sticking it in my pocket. The sound of the floor creaking makes me stop. I turn around giving myself whiplash. I wince at the movement. The lights in my room go out and I'm standing in the dark. I raise my gun keeping it up. "Whose there?" my heart bursts in my chest. "Principessa." he whispered in my ear. I turned around not seeing anyone.

Arms snaked around my waist. I screamed trying to get away. "Lila" he whispered in my hair. I kept thrashing around until he pulled me down to the ground. "Please! Let me go!" I scream. "Lila its ok! Its me, Lucas!" suddenly the lights are on and I'm in Lucas' arms. My gun drops to the floor. I burry my head in his chest. I pull at his shirt bringing him closer to me, wishing for him to swallow me whole in his embrace. "I'm so scared." I sob. He brushes his fingers through my hair, "I know. I know. Shhhh it'll be ok."

After my episode Lucas took me to his car. He sat my gun in the console between us. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks me as he shifts gears. I look at my fingers fiddling my thumbs. "Yea. I need this." he nods his head. We sit in silence for the rest of the drive. When we make it to the holding facility I'm instantly on guard. There were many people in here. Lucas put his arm around me pulling me against him as one of the inmates tried to touch me through his bars.

"He's down here. He's  the only one who has a cell that was made for him." we were greeted by 2 of the 5 people who watch Nicolas. "Ms. I'm going to have to ask to search you." I nod stepping up onto a platform. The man searches me patting me down. "Please remove the weapon from your person." I sneer at him, "Is this necessary?" he nods his head, Its safety precaution. "We cant have anyone reaching for anything that could potentially harm you or themselves." I start stripping my weapons from my body. Three knives. I left my gun in the car. He smiles at me, "You may go in. Keep your distance. Hes free roam." Lucas watches me as the cell is open.

I turn to the man who searched me, "Under no circumstances shall you open this door. Even if he attacks me. Do. Not. Open. This. Cell." I was serious. Lucas tries to protest but I've already walked through the cell doors. Nicolas scent hits me like a ton of bricks. It takes me a second to regain my senses. "Hello my beloved." I close my eyes; his voice sounds heavenly.

I could feel the electricity glide over my skin I knew he could to. Green and amber clash as I open my eyes. We study each other. Not much has changed about him except his hair is a little longer than the last time I seen him.

A wave of calmness washes over me. I avert my gaze from his as a headache forms. "I wouldn't fight it. It only makes it worse." I looked up at him confused, "what are you talking about?" he didn't answer me he only stared at me. His eyes dilated, "Come to me." his words echoed in my head. My feet started to move. My hands flew to my chest, the pendant was gone. Nicolas reached out touching my cheek. He ran his fingers down my cheek hooking them under my chin. "Now what? You dont have the pesky pendant to protect you." he cockily said. I grabbed ahold of his wrist yanking it from my chin. I backed away from him slowly. "I'm not an idiot. I know they've been giving you animal blood. You're weak." I smirk at him. He lets out a chilling laugh, "I'm no means weak Lup Dulce. " his hand wraps around my throat as he pushes me against the window that Lucas can see me through. I groan as he pushes his body against mine.

His eyes turn into slits as he looks at something behind me. "You brought Lucas with you?" he whispers into my ear. I nod my head as best as I could. He tightens his grip slightly. My hands are wrapped around his arm keeping me from dangling.

I shiver as his nose travels from my neck to my shoulder. "Your scent is like a breath of fresh air." he whispers against my skin. He sets me down caging me in between him and the glass. His hands travel under my hoodie, the skin to skin contact makes my head spin. His fingers reach the bandage around my chest and stop. "You're bleeding." he jerks his hands from my body. My blood shimmers on his fingers.

He looks me in my eyes as he brings them to his mouth. He closes his eyes and groans. His eyes are deep black pools of hunger and lust once he opens them. Its uncomfortably hot in this small room, Especially with him in it. I pull my hoodie over my head letting him drink in my appearance. A low growl escapes his throat.

He lunges for me.

I duck under his arms. I smile at him as he turns around. I pull two white hair pins out of my hair that was in a bun. Both of them pointed at the ends. Great for stabbing people. "come get it boy!" I yell.

He jumps at me again and I throw one of the pins and it wedges its self into his thigh. He growls pulling it out. He throws it across the room. He swipes his hand at me; I duck jabbing him in his ribs. "You little bitch!" he yells. I feel my wound start to rip open as he lands a hit to my jaw.

I stumble back hitting the window. He pins me against the glass. He rips the hair pin from my grasp tossing it behind him. "Your going to scream for me baby." he sinks his fang into my neck over his mark. I dig my nails into his shoulder letting out a bloodcurdling scream. Lucas pounds on the glass screaming for Nicolas to stop. I start to feel light headed as he drinks from me. I place my hands on the glass before wrapping my legs around his waist. I push off the glass making him fall to the ground with me on top of him. My blood drips from his lips. He smiles at me with blood stained teeth. I bare my teeth at him before I burry them into his shoulder. He arches his back groaning. His hands grip my thighs squeezing them. I place my hands on either side of his head detaching my lips from his shoulder. "Now the fun begins." I push up off him. He looks at me confused until it clicks.

I'm already out of the room into Lucas arms before he can drag me back. Nicolas pounds against the glass yelling at me, "Lila dont you dare! You're mine!" A smirk plays on my lips as I turn around winking at him. Fire burns in his eyes as he watches us leave.

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