What was never mine now his

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Nicolas Pov.

My teeth dug into the plastic pouch that held my life line. I threw the bag on the floor with the rest of them after I'm satisfied. The warmth of her blood was enough to make me bust.

I rested against the ugly green couch that was Lilas I noticed that this batch was sweeter and earthier. I picked up one of the bags sliding my fingers through what was left. I inhaled deeply before putting my finger in my mouth. It couldn't have been the serum that Sergio produced. It only affected the person it was injected to. Not the blood of them.

The sweetness was young and fragrant. Like wet grass on a dewy morning.

My eyes locked onto the smiley face sticker at the foot of her bed. I snuck in here getting through the security. But that's not important right now. What was important was that I need to figure out what this taste was.

I cleaned up the blood bags. By clean up I meant I licked each and everyone of them clean and put them in a neat pile.

My back pressed into the soft rug in the living room. It was literally on the tip of my tongue. I just couldn't seem to get it past my lips.

In my own defining silence, the sound of the front door creaking open caught me by surprise. I jumped to one of the beans above me. Her ceiling was an open one so I could hide easily when people came by.

I caught Lucas' woodsy scent and then my brothers spiced one. I also caught Joshuas sea salt one. It was calming just like the young boy. They sat right under me at the coffee table. I knew my brothers' sense of smell was good so he either smelled me and didn't care or he was waiting to out me.

They sat duffle bags down pulling out maps, locations circled in red and black ink. I zeroed in on the middle map. This one had the most marks on it. I shifted causing dust to fall slowly to my doom. It landed on Joshuas red hoodie. He looked at it then up. His eyes went wide. He tapped on Lucas' shoulder. Lucas just shoved it off as an accident. "Lucas!" Lucas turned to the young blood. "what boy?" he breathed. Josh pointed directly at me. Lucas' eyes went wide for a second until his body moved.

He shot a bullet at me missing by an inch. I hopped to a beam a bullet hitting just below my hand. I lost my balance falling towards the ground. My back hit the ground hard. I was expecting my body to be riddled with holes like ripped jeans. But I opened my eyes locking them with my brothers. "Are you fucking dumb?" he asks. I look up at him shrugging my broad shoulders.

Before my own brother could rip me in half, he halted his nostrils flaring. "What's that exquisite scent?" he sniffed the air like a dog. He would have scowled at the insult. I stood up grumbling a thanks before following him.

Lucas and his puppy followed us all the way to Lilas room. It didn't click with me yet that I still had yet to clean up my mess until Dante opened the door. He walked in looking at the clear bags. He turned to me hissing between clenched teeth. "What kind of mockery is this?" I didn't think It was such but go off, I guess. I picked one up shoving him aside, "What does it look like boy wonder?" sarcasm was such a grace. I watched his eyes start to become black.

He snatched the bag from me. I watched a drop of what I missed roll onto his finger before he stuck into his mouth.

I bet 10$ that his eyes could have outshone the sun. Lucas and Josh took a step into the hallway. I guess they sensed the oncoming fist to my face. I ducked under it pulling my brother behind me switching sides. "THIS IS HERS!" I've never heard his voice that loud before. He threw the bag at me. It bounced of my chest to my feet. I could hear the slight chatter of Joshuas teeth. Anger was like a raging inferno beneath Dantes skin. He pointed a sharp claw at me, "Do you not taste that?" a demon. A demon was what he sounded like.

It was kind of unsettling.

I might not be afraid of many things but my brother wasn't something I particularly like to fuck with.

I tucked my hands in my pockets, "The sweetness or the earthiness?" I asked. His eyes formed slits, "Both you IDIOT!" His Romanian accent was heavy. I raised my hands in silent apology. "Yes? What of it?" if he knew what it was, I was hopping he would tell me so I could fill the lost documents within my brain.

He took a breath before his fingers were no longer weapons. He took long strides towards me. I didn't flinch away from him. His gaze was hard and unforgiving. "Lila is pregnant. 3 almost 4 weeks at most."

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