Dante's Heart

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Dante Pov.

I couldn't move.

Everything was frozen as I watched the light in her eyes vanish. Lucas held her against him rocking back and forth. Nicolas looked like he was about to go on a rampage. His eyes had turned black and he fangs poked out from under his lip. Liam let out a whimper, I guess we were all heartbroken.

The loud sirens of the ambulance shook us from our daze as they drove towards us. Lucas picked up Lila, she had a faint pulse. I was sure everyone could hear it.

I kept my eyes on Nicolas as Lucas put Lila in the Ambulance. He seemed as if he was about to bolt, "Brother don't think about it." I growled. He looked up at me, "I kept my word Dante." he forced his eyes back to green.

Lucas came back to us wiping his face. He took out a pair handcuffs tossing them to Nicolas. "Do it yourself Blane." he spoke quietly. Nicolas looked down at the cuffs in his hands. He clasped one around his wrist, putting his hands behind his back he somehow managed to cuff the other one. "Liam thank you for your help tonight. I would like you to go back to your pack for the night and meet with me in the morning." Lucas took hold of Nicolas as he spoke. Liam nodded his head before he ran into the woods. Lucas looked to me, "Dante. Thank you. All we can do now is wait. If she doesn't-" he closed his eyes tightly. "If she doesn't make it, I want you to plan the funeral." Sadness took over my system at those words. "Would you like me to contact any of her family? Mom? Dad?" I asked. "No." was all he said before he walked with Nicolas by his side.

Tears dripped down my chin. I don't remember the last time I cried. It's been so long. It felt great to feel pain again, even if it was emotional.

I drank my ninth glass of the night. I sat in my living room looking out the window as rain pelted against the glass. She loved the rain. The way it sounded, and smelt. She loved the way it was violent and calming at the same time. I sighed getting up for a cup of water.

I prayed that she would live.

I prayed that I wouldn't feel this way again. I loved that little minx, even when she got on my nerves.

I smiled at the thought. I loved someone other than myself and my brother. I wonder how he was taking it. After all that was his beloved. It must be rough.
I took off my jacket placing it on a chair before walking to my room. I took a quick shower before getting in bed. My thoughts drifted off to the first time I met Lila Payne.

It was a warm night and the club was filled with people. All types of species danced to the loud music. I was just coming down for a drink when my senses were overcome by lavender. My eyes shot around the dim room until they landed on a petite girl with pure white hair. She took my breath away. Her eyes were a gorgeous shade of amber, they stood out do to her clothes. She wore all black, a black long sleeve tucked into a pair of jeans with heals. Her head was slightly down as if she was shy.

That wasn't the case once her body started to move in sync with the music. I would have remembered a scent like hers if she was a regular. I
made my way through the crowd of grinding bodies, I spotted her and then she was gone. I looked around once more. "Looking for me?" I turned around slightly startled. Her voice was smooth and sweet like the finest wine. Her scent wrapped around me squeezing.

I looked her up and down she was way more beautiful up close. She smiled up at me, "Well? Aren't you gonna ask me my name?" her question caused me to finally blink. I ran my hand through my hair putting on my best smirk, "my apologize. My name is Dante Blane. And you?" her eyes seemed to be full of stars, "I'm Lila Payne. Its nice to meet you Dante." she gave me her hand. I brought it to my lips kissing each individual knuckle. "Would you like a drink?" I shouted over the music. She looked over the crowd like she was looking for someone. "Yea. Sure"

I was enchanted by her. I was fascinated by her. All I wanted to do was listen to her speak. It took me a moment to realize that she was speaking to me. I blinked a few times before speaking, "I'm sorry. I was day dreaming. What did you say?" she giggled. "I said, would you like to dance?" she didn't have to ask me a third time. I pulled her to the dance floor. Her body moved like silk, smooth and beautiful.

She leaned against me allowing my hands to hover over her waist. "Its alright." she whispered softly in my ear. I laid my hands on her and for the first time I felt warm. She was soft under my fingers it made me crave her. I felt my teeth lengthen, my grip in her tightened slightly. Her body went rigged and she broke away from me. Her gold eyes met mine.


I put my hands up, "I'm so sorry." I was genuinely apologizing. She studied me before her eyes went back to normal. "Its ok. Just don't let it happen again." she let out a laugh. The rest of that night her and I spent talking and dancing and I couldn't have wanted it any other way.

If she didn't make it I might just go on a killing spree. I turned onto my stomach closing my eyes.

I prayed.

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