"Really Bey? You must think I'm a dummy but I'll drop it girl" Kelly says finally dropping the subject. "Wait, you don't even have any bags, what are you guys going to wear?" She raise her eyebrow waiting for my response.

"Stop at the Gucci store for me please" I asks kindly.

"I got you, sis"

"Is everything okay?" I ask my private Doctor.

He took his ear bud with the silver thingy out and let out a sigh "I need you to be completely honest with me okay?" His tone kind of scared me.

"Of course" I pray nothing is wrong with my baby.

"Have you been stressing?" He asks.

I nodded "A bit" of course I've been stressing, I'm still surprise I'm not suffering from PTSD or something.

"Beyoncé, your blood pressure is through the roof"

"Is the baby okay?" That's all I was worried about.

"Your baby is great" He says and with that my whole mood change "But" here we go...

"But?" I ask. There is never good news when followed by a but.

"You need to take it easy, Not only does high blood pressure risks the baby's life but it also risks yours, do you understand?"

I nodded my head "Yes, I do understand" I will not let myself stress for this whole pregnancy. That's why I had to take this well needed vacation.

Onika's Pov.

I sit at the side of the bed reading the note that Beyoncé left. I'll look for her later, I needed not to be sober right now.

I wasn't tripping, I did kill a man in front of her but in my defence it was more personal to me. I called this nigga my friend and he turns around and betray me?

If it was a random dude like that tory nigga then I probably would've just hospitalized him...nah, I would've killed him but only because he annoys me.

I killed my ex best friend because he betrayed me, I don't know why Beyoncé thought this was going to be different.

I don't regret anything other than putting my hands on Bey. Do I regret letting her be there when I kill him? Well, not really.

I grab my phone and dial Future's number.

"Tell me you got something to make me feel alive"

"You know I always got something, Nika. Come through"

And with that I hang up the phone and got up off the bed then went in the bathroom to handle my business.

After showering.. I walk in my room and throw over my black tee then put on my dark blue denim jeans making it sag a little, I grab my Jordan 4 retro black cat box and took the shoes out, I grab a pair of socks and put them on before putting on my shoes. I threw my chains over my neck. I give myself a look over in the mirror, I rub my hands together then lick my lips.

I grab my phone then went downstairs to grab my keys and head out the door.

I pull up at Future's and grin. It's time to get fucked up.

I walk in his studio session and I'm already high just standing in the room.

"Yooo!" Future held up a bottle of henny and a blunt and of course I took it.

I should really put something on my stomach before drinking. Ehh, Yolo.

I place the henny bottle to my head and took a huge gulp. I hand the bottle back to Future then I put the blunt to my lips inhaling it.

I exhale the smoke letting it float in the room "This just hit the street" I look in Future's hand and he was holding a pill.

"Yea?" I finish the blunt then took the pill out of Future's hand, we both pop the pill in our mouth and swallow it.

A flying kite didn't even have anything on me.

I was gone.

"Hey papí" I look up to see a Spanish chick bra less and only in her panties.

You would think these niggas were runnin a whore house.

"Go on somewhere" I shoo the girl away from me and she smack her lips muttering a 'whatever'

Beyonce's Pov.

I saw an incoming FaceTime call from Onika, I answered. Of course I'll let her see her kids...through the phone though.

"Where the fuck are you" I roll my eyes at Nicki's surroundings, she's partying like usual.

"Not in New York" I shrug.

"Stop playing"

I roll my eyes "I'm not playing. Look, do you want to speak to the twins?" I ask cutting straight to it, all this extra talking wasn't good for my health.

"Bey why you had to leave? I was willing to work it out with you even though you're carrying his seed!"

I scrunch my face up "I'm not carrying his child, I'm carrying yours, dumbass" A look of realization flash on her face "Yup, the same child you didn't give a fuck about" it pain me thinking about it every time.

"Mine?" She asks confuse.

"Yes, stupid! Yours. I've been messing around with you for months and I'm three months along. The last time I had sex with someone that wasn't you, was couple days ago!" Keep down your stress Beyoncé I remind myself.

"Who said y'all weren't fucking before?" I wanted to slap her high yellow ass through the phone.

"Girl, I'm about to hang up. I'll call you when the twins wants to speak to you" I hang up and lay down on my bed. I rub my stomach and picture what my baby would look like.

"I'm sorry Mommy put stress on you and your mama can be a bit of a female dog"

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