Chapter 14

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Beyoncé's Pov.
Thursday, September 2nd, 2019
8:05 am

I smiled looking in the mirror at my growing belly, I can't wait to find out the gender of my unborn child, I already love him/her and their not even here yet, I know I'll be a good parent and so will Onika I sighed thinking about her.

It's been 2 days since me and Onika last spoke, and honestly I wanted it to stay that way. How the fuck you want to be in a relationship with someone and still acting a fool.

I sighed feeling a vibration coming  from my phone I picked up it up seeing it was a message from Onika.

Onika. : I know I told you I'll give you your space but you still coming over at my moms today?

Beyoncé: Yes. I'll be there.

Onika: Aight I'll pick you up at 2 😘

I rolled my eyes leaving her message on seen.

I'm becoming more and more home sick I miss Huston and my family. Onika and I will still be heading to Houston Saturday even though I didn't want to be anywhere near her, I still wanted my family to meet her and plus I'm scared what my mother will say about my pregnancy, I needed some sort of comfort.

"Sweetie, You didn't tell me that girlfriend of yours had a next girl pregnant" Leonardo said sitting down next to me. How the fuck did he know that?

I raised an eyebrow at him "What are you talking about" I said. He showed me a picture of Nicki and a very pregnant woman hugging.

I read the caption that said "Nicki Minaj's and her alleged baby mama celebrating her 27th birthday together" I chuckled at the photo, I wasn't even mad.

"It wasn't any of your business" I said giving back his phone.

"Beyoncé this is bad publicity, When you announce that your pregnant you will just be a next girl that Nicki Minaj knocked up" He said placing his head into his hand.

"You need to relax, I'm not just 'some' girl I'm Beyoncé fucking Knowles" I said with much cockiness in my tone.

"That's not what the public will see" He stated. "Fuck the public then" I shrugged, I didn't need this kind of stress on me and he knew that too.

"Beyoncé you're gambling away your career" He said which was his favorite line to use now.

"No I'm not. I understand that I got pregnant early but it was my decision to lay down and have sex and it's also my decision to keep and raise my child" I said. I was tired of him at this point.

"I just don't want you to be a next wash up" He said sincerely.

"I won't" I said and ended the conversation there. "I'm hungry" I said rubbing my growing stomach, He laughed "you're always hungry" He said before going on his phone ordering a chicken salad for me.

"Thank you, you're the best" I said jumping giving him a hug. "Take your fat ass off me Beyoncé" He said and I pouted now feeling insecure about my body. "Am I that fat?" I asked looking down at my thighs.

"Oh no! Girl I didn't even mean it as that" He said trying to comfort me, I rolled my eyes making a reminder to tell Onika to fuck him up.

"I'm heading out anyways, My driver is outside" I said grabbing my fur coat and my  purse.

"What about the salad?" He asked "You can eat it" I said.

"Ok girl be safe" He said, I nodded my head leaving the building.
"It was a pleasure working with you" The brand label said handing me my Cheque for the Dior collaboration , I smiled and took it out of her hand "Likewise" I said giving out my goodbyes to her and her team.

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