Konki's Return

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"Okay people of Kyoshi Island and honored Avatar guests! Who's ready to hear the story of Avatar Kyoshi!" The crowd cheered. Katara and Sokka walked to the area of the outdoor theatre with a bucket of delicious roasted honey peanuts.

"I'm excited to watch this play," Katara exclaimed as she stuffed a handful of the savory-sweet snack into her mouth.

"Me too, Katara! Suki said that she's in the play!" Sokka was excited to watch her perform!

"Who is she?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe she's a Kyoshi Warrior or something. Where's Aang?"

Katara let out a huff, "With Koko. I don't even know."

"That's rough buddy."

"Hey, guys!" Aang waved and sat down next to Sokka. Koko sat down with a bag of roasted barbecue peanuts.

"So, what have you two been doing this whole night?" Sokka asked while popping another peanut in his mouth.

"Oh, we just played all the festival games and listened to music and ate food? How about you guys." Koko said.

"Well, Suki and I tried a lot of street food and just walked around. Katara showed the village kids her waterbending tricks and they LOVED it."

There was an awkward silence between all of them. Aang got up and motioned Sokka to come with him.

"Hey Sokka, is Katara mad at me?" Aang asked innocently.

"Uhhh" Sokka hesitated, "Well, you kinda went out with that Koko girl and left her all alone." It was at that moment Aang knew he messed up.

"I didn't know that would hurt her feelings! I just thought she'd like me more because like if I like hung out with another girl it would make me look like a catch."

Sokka groaned and smacked the palm of his hand to his forehead, "Okay little man, the thing with the ladies is you CAN'T just do that. Like if you're gonna make her jealous so she'll like you more, you have to like do it subtly but you can't completely ignore her or she'll get confused. Maybe you should talk to her or try to spend time with her tonight."

"Good thinking Sokka"

"Hey so like, how did you meet Aang?" Koko asked Katara

Katara frowned and answered, "Well Sokka and I, mostly me, rescued him from the iceberg. We've been traveling together ever since."

"Wow, how romantic." Koko beamed.

Katara scoffed, "Well, I think he's taken a liking into you Koko."

Koko cocked her head to the side, "Me?" Katara nodded and Koko giggled, "No, Avatar Aang and I are just friends Katara! In fact, he does not shut up about you! If you ask me, I think he might have a little thing for you." Katara blushed and a little smile made it's way to her face.


"Yeah! Really! You and him should spend time together tonight! I'm gonna hang out with my gal pals. You got this Katara." Koko smiled and got up to go meet with some of the other Kyoshi Island girls.

Aang sat by Katara. "Hey Katara."

"Hey Aang." Katara smiled at him.

Aang fiddled with his collar. "I'm sorry about not hanging out with you Katara. I feel really bad that I might have made you feel bad."

Katara gave him a hug, "No worries Aang. You're allowed to have other friends. I'm sorry for acting jealous."

"Thanks, Katara," Aang smiled at her, "but you're my best friend." Katara looked at him lovingly which made Aang blush and smile sweetly at her.

"Guys! The play is starting! "

A gong boomed and the orchestra began to play the music.

"Long ago, lived a young girl named Kyoshi." said the narrator.

"Wow, Suki's a really good actress," Katara exclaimed

"And a great dancer and singer," Aang said.

"Yeah," Sokka sighed resting his chin on his hand.

"Surrender now Chin or forever meet your doom, " Suki yelled as she raised her fan.

The actor who played Chin yelled and the crew made the set-piece split.

"Only Justice Will Bring Peace," Suki stated and the curtains closed. The crowd erupted.

"YAY SUKI!!!!!!!!" Katara, Sokka, and Aang cheered.

Suki was the last to take a bow and the crowd cheered even louder.
"Thanks for coming." Suki smiled as she gave a little Kyoshi girl a high-five.

Sokka approached her with a smile.

"Wow, Suki! I didn't know that you were such a good performer! I loved when you went, " He poorly demonstrated her fight choreography which made her roll her eyes and giggle.

"Thank you Sokka, I'm glad you enjoy the show." She awkwardly clasped her hands together and gave him a lopsided grin.

They indulged in each other's gazes for a moment. Suki and Sokka felt a nice, bubbly, and pleasant feeling inside of them. He took both of her hands in his and brought her closer to him.

"Well look who it is." The voice was cunning and disgusting. Konki.

Sokka instinctively brought Suki closer to him and she put her arm around his waist. They glared at him.

"Come on baby come back to me. I can make you feel so good. Better than he can." Konki grabbed her wrist and attempted to pull Suki out of Sokka's arms. Sokka swatted his hand away and held Suki tighter.

"Get away from her you pervert."

Katara and Aang backed him up. Katara bending water and Aang bending air. There was a small crowd watching them. Suki looked at all of them and felt her chest tighten and she ran away. Katara looked at Sokka and he nodded and hurried after Suki.

He found her at a tree a little ways away from the town center. She stood there and was crying and shaking.


She peered at him and immediately faltered into his embrace. This was the first time she didn't hesitate at his touch. She just let him hold her.

"W-Why won't he just leave me alone. He won't leave." She softly sniffles. He pulled her face out of his chest and wiped it gently with the cloth in his pocket. "This is so stupid. I'm better than this."

He looked at her with care, " Your feelings are not stupid Suki." He gently brushed his thumb over her tear stricken cheek, "You can feel whatever you feel like feeling because feelings are...sorry I'm not really good at comforting people."

Suki chuckled, "You're an idiot Sokka." She gently took his hand and pressed it into her cheek more, "Thank you." 

"Do you want to go back to the festival? We don't have to if you don't want too-"

"No-no, we can go back."

"Okay." She lightly smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

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