Suki Sick Days

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TW: Vomitting  because Suki is sick in this one 🥺

(Two Years after the last chapter. One year after Toph, Sokka, and Suki reunited as a team in Yu Dao)

After the events of Yu Dao and Cranefish Town, team Avatar went on a vacation to Ember Island to cool down and relax. It was a nice one week vacation and everyone was able to indulge in what Ember Island has to offer, including Sokka and Suki who hadn't seen each other in over a year.

One month after Ember Island: Location: Northern Water Tribe: Sokka is in town doing ambassador duties and it's Yue's fourth death anniversary.

Suki woke up with an excruciating ache in her head. She groaned and rubbed her temples, "Fuck." She mumbled.

Sokka, who was already awake waiting for her to wake up, sat up and looked at his girlfriend with concern, "Babe? Are you okay?"

Suki shook her head no, "I feel like shit. Do you have a bowl? I feel like I'm gonna-" Suki gagged and Sokka frantically got up and found a bowl in the kitchen for her to throw up in. Sokka pressed the backside of his hand to her forehead.

"You have a fever."

"No shit." She moaned. Suki grasped the bowl and threw up again.

"Do you want me to take you to the healer?"

"No. I wanna stay here and go to sleep."

"Okay." Sokka scratched her head and smiled at her.

Suki laid back down and Sokka tucked her into the blankets. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "If it gets worse babe, I'm taking you to the healer."

"Okay. Whatever." She mumbled. "I love you."

Sokka chuckled and got up to start the day, "Love you too."
Suki woke up a few hours later feeling slightly less queasy. Sokka was asleep at the table beside her. He had stayed by her the whole time.

"Sokka." She called out weakly.

His eyes shot open and he instantly sat up, "Yes?! Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm going to change." Suki tried to stand up but her muscles ached so bad that she fell back into the bed.

"Suki-" he dashed over to her to check her- "Be careful. Um, I'll get your clothes and help you change! Okay? You need to relax."

"Sokka I am not a baby-"

"No but you're sick." He leaned over to kiss her cheek, "Let me take care of you. Will you let me do that for you?" Sokka held her hands and kissed them in efforts to plead with her stubbornness.

Suki sighed, "Fine."

Sokka got up and searched the closet for some new clothes for her. Suki smiled and her heart said thank you to the spirits for blessing her the best boyfriend.



"I love you."

He smiled at her and walked over with a tank top and long sleeping pants.

"Arms up baby."

Suki chuckled and he took her shirt off to put the tank top on. Sokka slipped her pants off and steadied her as she stood up and struggled to put the new ones on.

"I hate this." She whined as she lied back down.

"My poor baby." Sokka cooed teasingly as he pinched her cheek. Suki glared at him and buried her face back into the pillow which caused Sokka to laugh. Suki drifted back to sleep and Sokka leaned over to give her another kiss on the cheek.
A few days had passed and Suki was still throwing up every morning and her muscle ached and fever had not subsided at all. She was feeling slightly better but not enough to go out yet.

"Babe. I'm hungry."

Sokka got up, "I made you your favorite soup!" Sokka scurried over to the table and back to her. On the little tray there was a bowl of Autumn Harvest soup, a glass of water, little crow berries, and a small serving of rice shaped as a heart. Suki smiled and looked up at Sokka, "I tried to make it look nice. See! It's a heart!"

Suki chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "You're the sweetest." She said quietly trying not to trigger another episode of her throwing up.

Sokka took the soup spoon and brought it to her lips, "Ahh." Suki turned her head away.

"I can feed myself-"

"No, let me take care of you."

"No, I can feed myself." Suki took the spoon but her arms shook from her muscle aches. "Fuck."

Sokka chuckled and took the spoon back, "Let me take care of you baby."

Suki sighed, "Fine."

Sokka smiled, "Zoom! In goes the sky bison!" Suki rolled her eyes and ate the first spoonful of soup.

"You're so annoying." She mumbled and swallowed.

Sokka ignored her and spooned some more rice and soup and continued to feed her. After a few bites, she turned her head away.


"Not hungry."

"Okay but you have to finish this later. I don't want you to pass out from being hungry and-"

Suki pressed her lips to his and chuckled, "You talk too much babe."

Sokka's face heated up, "Now I'm gonna get sick!"

"Good! Now you can cuddle and kiss me all you want." She teased.

Suki laid back down on the bed and urged him to snuggle up against her. Of course, he happily went into her arms.
Her sickness hadn't subsided for about two weeks and both her and Sokka were getting worried so he called a healer in while he was at a meeting with Chief Arnook. The healer flowed the glowy water all over her body and stopped at her stomach.

"Is there something wrong there?"

The healer smiled, "I think I know why you've been throwing up."

Suki looked at her completely oblivious."Stomach bug?"

"Darling you are pregnant!"

Suki's face turned paler than usual. "H-How many months?"

"I would say about a month and a half."

She laid there in silence unable to speak. Her and Sokka were so young and just starting their lives. They were only 20 and 19. What would his family think? What would the tribe think? What would the Kyoshi Warriors think? What would Kyoshi Island think? What would he think?

"Thank you. Can you not tell anyone please?"

"Of course."

Suki forced a smile and the healer left. She didn't know how to feel. On Kyoshi Island, it was taboo to get pregnant as young as Suki was and it was even more so when the couple that conceived weren't married. Women used to be kicked out, chastised, or even stoned until Avatar Kyoshi solved that inequality issue. But nothing is ever solved perfectly. Suki knew that if too many people found out on Kyoshi that she would be slut shamed, given dirty looks, and be the talk of the town, and not in a good way. She wanted to cry and tell someone but she couldn't. Not now. Sokka was busy and just starting his life after the war. Suki didn't want to ruin that for him. She did not want him to leave her for good. Telling him could go one of two ways. He would either be jumping for joy and planning everything or he would freak out and leave. That was the last thing she wanted. Suki decided to keep her mouth shut.

Sokka arrived home and greeted her with a hug and a kiss. Suki masked her nervousness with a smile, "Hi baby!" He exclaimed. Suki's anxiety spiked when he said baby, "Are you alright?"

She smiled, "Everything is fine Sokka. Just a little stomach bug. That's all."
A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Suki's pregnant and not telling Sokka! But she'll have to tell him sooner or later...what do you guys think will happen next? Comment and tell me!

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