Beach Party!

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The sun peeked through the window of the Fire Nation home and Team Avatar began to blink awake.

Suki and Sokka had slept wonderfully. The sun hit Suki's face and woke her up. The girl slowly blinked awake and stretched her body. She winced as a wave of numb pain went through her body.

"Ouch." She mumbled. She glanced over at Sokka who was still sleeping, his face buried in the pillow and his hair a mess. Suki smiled as she leaned down to kiss his cheek.

Sokka jerked awake, "Gah-" he relaxed when she covered her mouth trying not to giggle, "Oh- hey Suki!"

"Hey, cutie." She gave him a half-smile. Sokka opened his arms and she gladly crawled into them, nuzzling her face into his bare chest, him gently rubbing her bare back."Good morning." She whispered, laying a kiss on his chest.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, kissing her forehead.

Suki chuckled and put her arm around him, "I'm sore."

Sokka squeezed her shoulder and chuckled,  "I figured."

Suki lazily covered his mouth with her hand, "Don't get too full of yourself or I will end you."

Sokka nuzzled his nose into hers and gave her a little kiss. "Okay." Suki chuckled again and brought her lips to meet his. The two of them laid there in each other's arms taking in the warmth of the other.

"I love you." She whispered nuzzling her head into his neck again.

"I love you too." He sighed, rubbing her back again.


The two Warriors flinched and began to laugh.

"BREAKFAST IS READY DUMMIES!" Toph yelled, walking away.

Suki looked up at Sokka and they began to laugh as they got up and put some clothes on.

They walked hand-in-hand together to meet the others for breakfast.

"Fruit and hotcakes! A special treat!" Aang smiled.

"Ooo this looks yummy," Suki remarked poking at the breakfast dessert before her.

"I figured we could all use a pick me up." Aang smiled and set some down for Toph.

"Ugh, it tastes good too. Don't you agree, Sokka?" Toph took a bite out of her pancake.

"Yeah, it's delicious. Very...sweet!"

"That's not the only thing you think tastes delicious."

Suki choked on her food and quickly drank some water. Sokka patted her back as Toph leaned her feet up on the table. A smug look made way onto her face as she leaned back in her chair. Zuko smirked and bit his lip to hold back his laughter. Katara and Aang looked at everyone confused. Then it dawned on Katara and she clamped her mouth shut in shock and shot her brother THE look.

"What's going on?" Aang questioned.

Toph erupted in laughter and Zuko followed. Suki put her head down on the table and Sokka flushed the deepest shade of red he ever had.

"What?" Aang took a bite out of his pancake, "What's the matter?"

"Well, you two weren't particularly quiet." Zuko drank water to contain himself but the fire nation prince ended up choking on it.

Suki groaned and it dawned on Aang, "Ohhh, you two had sex."

"AANG-" Sokka shrieked. Katara put her head in her knees and screamed into it. Zuko and Toph high-fived each other and continued to laugh.


"YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD-" Sokka shrieked. Suki started to laugh into the table and Katara groaned out of second-hand embarrassment. Suki put her hand on his knees and rubbed it to calm him down.

"Oh. Well, I don't really care. That's not my business what you two were doing last night." Aang flashed Sokka a mischievous smirk and took another bite out of his pancake, "Although, you could keep it down a bit Sokka. You were much louder than Suki."

Toph, Aang, and Zuko erupted in laughter.

"But feeling the vibrations with my feet was-" Toph gagged and started to laugh again.

Sokka grumbled at her and Suki started to laugh again.
Suki put Toph on her shoulders and ran into the water with her. The young earthbender shrieked, "SPLASH ME KATARA!"

Katara bent some water and whipped Toph off of Suki and into the shallow water below. The three girls erupted into laughter and began to splash each other. Toph clung to Suki as the Kyoshi Warrior dove into the water pretending to be an elephant Koi.

"SWIM FASTER SUKI!" She shrieked, throwing her arms up.

Katara sent a gentle current to push Suki along as Toph screamed out of sheer joy. Katara used her water bending to pick up Toph and wash her back to shore. The two benders rushed to the sand to build castles with Aang. Suki began to swim back to shore when she felt something wrap around her hips. She shrieked as her body was lifted out of the water.

"SOKKA-" she grumbled.

Sokka's head popped out of the water and he slid her down so his arms were around her upper body. "Hey, pretty girl." He smirked.

"Hi, Sokka" Suki giggled, splashing him in the face with water.

Sokka laughed and brought her down to kiss her salty lips, "Bleh, you taste salty."

He carried her out of the water and back to shore. Suki and him walked to where Aang and Toph were playing in the sand. Suki sat down on her beach towel and watched Sokka collect sand, seaweed, and shells to build a massive sand sculpture.

"TADA!" Sokka proudly presented his monstrosity of a sculpture.

"What is it?" Toph asked.

"Yeah. It looks like...a sand glob." Aang insulted. Toph chuckled.

Sokka fumed and stamped his foot in protest, "No! It's Suki!"

There was a moment of silence and the two thirteen-year-olds burst out into laughter.

Toph caught her breath, "Suki, we all will understand if you break up with him over this!"

Sokka frowned but Suki smiled adoringly at the sculpture and then him, "I think it's sweet."

Sokka's heart jumped and he ran to her and attacked her cheek with kisses causing Suki to topple over and laugh. Toph and Aang ran away to go practice sand bending, leaving Sokka and Suki alone. Sokka brushed her damp hair out of her face and leaned down to kiss her, "You are the best girlfriend ever!"

 Suki smiled and flipped him so he was lying down next to her, "You are so sweet."

 The two of them stared at each other as the sun-kissed their skin. Aang and Toph ran back and bent more sand near the.

Suddenly, Zuko shot fire at them and Aang ran.

"MY SCULPTURE!" Sokka screamed in despair.

"What's going on?!" Katara shrieked

"ZUKO CAME IN ALL ANGRY. I MADE A SAND SCULPTURE OF SUKI AND HE DESTROYED IT!" Sokka frantically tried to build the sculpture, "Oh and he's attacking Aang." The team ran after Aang and Suki dragged Sokka away.

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now