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"Well look at you buster. Not so mighty and high now? I guess we should call you...THE LOSER LORD!" Toph and Suki snickered.

"I am the Phoenix King." The defeated Fire Lord faltered under fatigue and Toph pointed and laughed at him.

"Yeah right...more like PHOENIX KING OF GETTING HIS BUTT WHOOPED!" Sokka and Toph erupted into laughter.

Suki tried to join in, "Yeah! Take that...uh...king of guys...who don't win?" She looked at Sokka and he patted her cheek. Suki wasn't the best at comedy but Sokka thought it was cute that she tried.

"Leave the nicknames to us, honey," Toph said, patting her arm.

Toph walked away to go meet Aang who got the message that Azula was defeated and that Ozai and her were to be taken to prison and the mental institution. An airship came to fetch the kids and they met up with Katara. Toph and Aang Earthbent Ozai into the ship and locked him up for the time being.

Aang ran to Katara and hugged her. Katara began to sob, "What's the matter?"

"I'm so happy."

"Me too. We did it."

"Yeah." She said hugging Aang tighter, " I am so proud of you."

Aang smiled and nuzzled his face into Katara's hair, "I'm proud of you too, Katara."

Meanwhile, Suki was sitting in the middle section of the ship on a couch. Sokka came in with a makeshift tourniquet.

"Come sit." Suki opened her arms.

Sokka limped over and laid down on the couch. He propped his leg up on the arm of the couch and laid his head on her lap. Suki looked down at him and smiled kindly. Sokka lifted his hand to hold her cheek, tilting his head back to look at her. Suki held his hand and nuzzled it into her face, giving it a gentle kiss. Although she was an elite warrior, she was exhausted and she knew Sokka was as well. She brought his hand to her forehead and began to tear up and laugh at the same time, "Sokka, I'm so proud of you." She kissed his hand again and looked down at him. A single tear fell from her eyes and Sokka used his thumb to wipe it away.

"Thank you, Suki. Thank you for rescuing me." Sokka began to tear up himself.

Suki let out a breathy laugh and held his face in between her hands. She rubbed it with her thumbs, " Of course. I had to return the favor."

Sokka gave her a small smile and chuckled, "I love you, like a lot, Suki."

"I love you, pretty boy."

Sokka looked at his girlfriend. Her hair was a rat's nest from the battle. Her face was covered in soot and she had cuts on her arm as well as some minor burns.

"Suki?" His voice cracked as he held back his tears.

"Yes, baby?"

"I'm glad you're alive." Sokka buried his head into the fabric of her skirt and began to sob a river of emotions.

"Baby..." Suki sighed, leaning down to hug him and kiss his cut-up cheek.

Sokka looked up at her and he couldn't help but remember the terror he felt when they were separated just a few hours ago.

SUKI!" Sokka cried in terror as his girlfriend fell dangerously close to the flickering flames below. He watched her and the other half of the airship fall into the smoke. Sokka's heart began to palpitate and his body shook out of despair and anger.

Her voice pulled him back into reality, "I'M OKAY! JUST FINISH THE MISSION!"

Sokka shook as the smoke-filled his lungs. He wanted to cry but he needed to stay strong.

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now