Tickets and Passports Please

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"My name is Toph Beifong and I need four tickets to Ba Sing Se," Toph informed as she pushed her Beifong passport in the lady's face. Her eyes widened.

"Wow, it's an honor to serve anyone of the Beifong family." the lady said as she bowed her head in respect.

Toph grimaced not phased by her flattery, " It is your pleasure. As you can see, I am blind and these three imbeciles are my valets,"

"but the animal-"

"Is my seeing eye-lemur" Toph spat out. Katara, Aang, and Sokka nervously stood behind the young blind girl. Would they get to go to Ba Sing Se to find their beloved Appa?

"Well...I usually wouldn't make the exception but this so official I guess I can make the exception." She stamped all four tickets.

"Thank you very much." Toph thanked as she took the tickets.

"Thank you, Toph!" Aang exclaimed. Katara side hugged her and Aang smiled. Sokka started behind his three friends carefully examining the map of Ba Sing Se he picked up at the visitor's center.

"Mam, right this way." Suki escorted a mother and her baby to the waiting area of the ferry.

"Thank you, young lady." The women thanked. She gave Suki a coin as a sign of gratitude. Suki looked at the coin then looked at the lady and her baby. She gave the coin back, "You need this more than me mam. As a Kyoshi Warrior, it is my duty to serve. Now you go feed you and your child okay?" The lady smiled at Suki in gratitude and left to be seated. Suki sighed and smiled to herself. She loved helping others. She had been inspired by Sokka to take up the mission at Full Moon Bay but she and the other warriors ended up helping refugees. There isn't much action here at the port. It's a depressing job if Suki was being honest. Seeing how the fire nation wreaks havoc on these people broke her heart. She walked the ticket area to get some time to herself. As she scanned the crowd she spotted a ponytail, a Water Tribe tunic, a boomerang...could it be...

"Sokka?" Her voice was full of excitement and hope. She began to approach him but then stopped. She had to sneak upon him.

"Alright! We scammed that lady goof! " the Water Tribe boy was startled as his body was flung around.

"Excuse me." Sokka squeaked. The girl held her hand out to him.

"Tickets and Passports please," Suki demanded. Sokka's brain was alarmed and he couldn't make sense of what was happening.

"Um, is there a problem?"

"Yeah, I gotta problem with you! I've seen your type before.  Probably sarcastic,  think you're hilarious, and let me guess, you're traveling with the Avatar ?"

Sokka was very confused now, "D-do I know you?"

"You mean, you don't remember?" She aggressively grabbed his collar and Sokka gulped. Why was this collar grasp so...familiar, "Maybe you remember this." Suki leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. 

Then it dawned on him, "SUKI!!!!" Sokka smiled from ear to ear. He engulfed her in his arms so tightly that she came off the ground a little. Sokka nestled his face into the top of her head, inhaling the scent of her hair. She smelled salty almost like the ocean but at the same time, she smelled like fresh tropical fruit. Maybe pineapple or mango? She also kind of smelled like the Kyoshi Lavendar flowers? Sokka didn't know but all he knew was that she smelled pleasant. 

Her insides fluttered with delight and her heartbeat a million miles an hour when he nestled his face into her hair. Suki cradled the side of her head into the dip where his neck and shoulder connected. His touch was so warm and comfortable. Suki, who had refused to be touched in this way by anyone besides her sisters, was here, fully melting into Sokka. She trusted him that much. She was just so happy to see him. He smelled like the sun and the salt of the ocean.  

"Sokka, it's so good to see you!" 


Suki sat with the Gaang by the dock where passengers waited for the ferry to return. She was introduced to Toph and they hit it off well. She was glad to see Aang and Katara again. She was especially happy to see Sokka again. She missed him a lot and not a day went by without him crossing her mind at least once. He really did make an impact on her. 

For Sokka, it was the same. Every time he fought or trained he thought of what Suki would say and do. The sky had violet in it when the sunset and it reminded him of Suki's violet eyes. Even in the North when he has his fling with Yue, Yue reminded him of Suki. They were both brave and beautiful in their own respective ways.

"I did not recognize you in your escort get up! And without your Kyoshi Warrior makeup!" Katara exclaimed

"Yeah, the cranky lady at the desk makes us wear these stupid uniforms and I haven't been able to wear my makeup or really take care of my hair or face for that matter." She rolled her eyes and faced Sokka, "How about you sleeveless guy, been working out?" Sokka looked at her and Suki looked at him. He flexed his bicep which made Katara roll her eyes.

"Ehhh, I'll do a few chin touches on a tree branch every now and then. Nothing major." He flashed her a charming smile and Suki bit her bottom lip. She was flustered, "And Suki, I think you look fine for not being able to shower and stuff. Very pretty." 

Suki flushed, "Uh- thank you. T-that's very sweet of you to say."

Katara looked at the two and there was an awkward silence.

"So Suki, what brings you here to Full Moon Bay?" Katara asked as she checked her backpack.

Suki petted Momo, "Well the other Kyoshi Warriors and I were inspired to help in the war effort and we ended up helping escorting refugees. We've been here for about a month and to be honest with you guys it's an emotionally laboring job. Seeing how much the fire nation has wrecked the world breaks my heart. Why are you guys taking the ferry? Wouldn't you just fly into Ba Sing Se on Appa?"

The group was silent.

"Appa's missing," Toph said with a hint of regret and remorse in her voice.

Suki's face softened, "Aww, I'm sorry to hear about that. Are you okay Aang?"

Aang looked out onto Full Moon Bay. He turned around to see the whole group staring at him with concerning eyes. His blood boiled and emotion overtook him, "I'm fine! Will you guys stop worrying!" 

There was an awkward moment of tension in the group when all of sudden, "Avatar Aang! You need to help us! All our passports and documents and belongings were stolen!"

Aang rushed to aid these poor travelers.

"But mam! All their belongings were stolen!"

"No exceptions!"

Aang huffed, "What if I give them my tickets?"

"NO EXCEPTIONS!" She stamped Aang's forehead and he left in defeat.

Aang walked to the pregnant mother, her husband, and his sister, "Mam, Sir, I'm sorry but I couldn't get them to make any exceptions. But I will take you to Ba Sing Se through the Serpent's pass."

The couple thanked Aang for his kindness over and over. The Gaang set off to accompany them through the Serpent's Pass.

Suki left to grab her bag and change into her Kyoshi warrior uniform. She had been waiting to wear her beloved uniform for a month now. She wanted to make sure they got through safely, especially Sokka. She lost him once and she wasn't gonna lose him again.

"I'm coming too!"

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