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Hours passed and baby number two wasn't awake. It was 11pm and Suki finally got the strength to look at her child. Sokka helped her walk to the table. Katara was concentrated but tired. Suki gazed at the little baby and started to tear up again.

"Oh Sokka." She held his arm and started to cry again.

Sokka started to tear up, "She's so small..."

"My baby." Suki weeped and buried her face further into Sokka's arm. Suki lifted her head out of his arm for a brief moment and looked to Yumie who was fast asleep in her crib, "Yumie. Your sister is dead. She's dead." Suki started to sob again. Sokka cried and tried to comfort her by rubbing her back. Nothing could help.

"Katara, any progress?" He asked with hope.

Katara turned to him, with tears in her eyes, and shook her head, "She's still...dead."

"Please keep trying. At least for a little while longer. Please Katara." Suki pleaded. Katara looked into her eyes and her heart shattered into a million pieces. She looked so...heartbroken and empty.

"I will try everything I can to bring her to life."

"Thank you." Suki barely said. She bent over and gently placed her hand on the baby's face, "Baby girl, please wake up. I need you here. Mommy needs you." She started choke over her tears again and Sokka pulled her away from the table  barely keeping it together himself.

Katara placed more glowing water on the baby's chest and continued to heal her.

Suki looked out the window. It was a full moon. Suki began to pace out of the room. Sokka let her be.

Everyone was still at their house. Zuko was making tea for everyone. His facial expression was numb. Mai was trying to comfort Ty Lee as she cried. Izumi and Bumi were asleep with Aang who was meditating and pleading with the spirits. Shoyo and Akari were staring at the wall. And Toph was tapping her foot anxiously. Everyone was on edge.

Suki walked past all of them without saying a word. She walked out of her and Sokka home, half clothed and barefoot, and sat down on the bamboo swing chair and clasped her hands together and looked to the moon.

"Yue." Suki pleaded, "Please. I know you care about Sokka. Please please help us. We need you, great moon spirit." Suki started to cry. "I don't know if you hate me or anything...but I am begging you." She bit her lip and struggled to speak, "Please," her voice cracked, " bring our baby girl back," she wiped her face and chocked on her tears again, "I-I need her. Sokka needs her."

After a few moments, Suki heard crying. She slowly got up. Could it be? She then heard Sokka crying. Suki rushed to the room. She brought her hand to her mouth and started to sob, "My baby..." She ran over to the table and sure enough the little baby was crying. Suki smiled, tears of joy began to slide down her face,and her heart squeezed. She could barely speak, "My baby..." Suki picked her up and started to sob, "Spirits... my baby." She brought her lips to the child's head and cried, "My precious girl." She whispered. "Thank you Yue."
Everyone was finally asleep except for one person. Sokka stood by the window and held his second daughter in his arms. He stared at her in disbelief.

"Yue, thank you." He whispered.

Sokka pressed his lips to the little girl's head and started to cry. He was absolutely grateful that she was alive. Sokka pressed his cheek to her and rubbed her back tenderly. "My baby." He sniffled.

The little girl stirred and opened her eyes to him. Sokka sighed. She had his eyes. They were blue and full of life and wonder. "You are so beautiful." He whispered.

The girl was a spitting image of Suki. She had a little tuft of auburn on her head. Her skin was just a shade or two darker than her's. And she had her button nose and dimple. The only thing she had that was Sokka's was her smile and her eyes. Sokka leaned down to kiss her forehead sweetly, "My sweet Yukari." He whispered softly.

Suki and Sokka had named her for the moon and light. They took the native Kyoshi name Akari and the native water tribe name Yuka and put them together. Moonlight is what she was.

Sokka gently set her down into the crib next to Yumie. He gazed at them and began to tear up again as Yukari started to stir. The little girl turned over and placed her hand on Yumie's chest. Yumie moved and began to hold Yukari's hand. Sokka reached down to pet the little dark-auburn tuft on Yumie's head. "Yumie, my sweet girl." He smiled, "Always watch over your sister, okay? She needs you. Especially now." Sokka gazed at them and continued to talk, "You two are the most precious...I can't believe you two are finally here..." He gently cupped their cheek one at a time, "I love you both already. I am so so lucky."

"Sokka?" Suki said half asleep.

Sokka instantly turned his attention to Suki. "Yes? Do you need something?"

"You." She whispered.

Sokka leaned down and kissed his daughters goodnight. He walked over to Suki and gently slipped into the bed with her. Suki inched over to him and settled herself on his chest. They laid there for a few silent and tender moments. Sokka ran his finger gently across Suki's bare arm and Suki did the same to his chest.


"Yes, love?"

"Thank you."

"I should be the one thanking you."

Suki looked up at him and smiled, "I am so lucky. I have the best boyfriend in this universe...and now I have two beautiful daughters."

Sokka cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss her, "Aren't we lucky Suki?"

"Yeah." She sighed, "So lucky."

"I am so proud of you Suki. I truly am." He whispered against her lips.

"I'm so proud of you Sokka." She whispered back. Suki leaned her head down and Sokka pressed his lips tenderly to her forehead and brought her further into his chest with a protective arm.

"I love you." He sighed as he slipped into sleep.

"I love you too."
A/N: And that's the last chapter of "Two Warriors!" Thank you for reading my story head canon on Sokka and Suki during their teen years and into early adulthood! I really hope it made you smile, laugh, cry, and so much more!

Book Two of this series will come out this week. It will be called: "Fan and Sword." And we will explore Sokka, Suki, and now little Yumie and Yukari as they become a family and grow together! This book will be a real treat for those who want to see Sokka and Suki during the events between ATLA and LOK! Stay tuned! I will be releasing the first chapter this week, probably Friday! We will start that adventure with a little montage of Suki and Sokka as new parents from when Yumie and Yukari are newborns to the age of two! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day! I'll be sure to post a chapter here when the first chapter of Fan and Sword is up! Bye!💓

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now