I'm Your Biggest Fan!

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Suki grabbed the tree branch and pulled herself up and held her pull up position. Her breathing became hard and rough as she flexed her muscles. She was one heck of a strong girl.

That afternoon, Suki was trying to break her pull-up hold record which was currently one minute. She was halfway there when Sokka walked in on her working out. Her back muscles flexed as she shifted her hands on the tree branch. Sokka was in love.


She jumped a little but kept her grip on the branch.

"Sokka! Give me a minute I'm trying to-ouch- break my record." Her muscles burned. 30 seconds.

"Go, baby girl!" Sokka clapped and cheered. Suki's face turned red from his comments and from the fact that her body was burning up.

"MY GIRL'S GOT MUSCLES!" Sokka skipped in front of her and gave her a thumbs up. Suki groaned as she shifted again. 40 seconds.

"Sokka, stop distracting me!" Sweat beaded down her face.

"GO SUKI GO!" 50 seconds

Her arms burned hotter than the fire nation, "Gah- I don't think I can hold it-"

"NO. YOU CAN DO IT BABY!" Sokka cheered which earned him a stifled chuckle from her. 60 seconds.

"Ten more seconds." She struggled to say as her chest clenched from the lack of oxygen. Still, she held solid form.

Sokka began to count down, "3,2,1! YAY!" He lifted her off the tree branch from under her rib cage and gently set her down on the grass. Suki exhaled and relief and looked up at him.


"Good job baby girl!" He kissed her all over her face and she rolled her eyes.

"Ugh I love him." She thought

Suki gave him a weak laugh and he began to massage her arm muscles, "Thanks for cheering me on." Suki leaned up to kiss him and Sokka swiftly pulled her toward his body.

"Of course. I am your biggest fan after all!"

Suki smirked, "You're sweet."

She wrapped her arms around his neck urging him to to carry her. Suki jumped and wrapped her legs around his torso and Sokka supported her weight by carrying her from under her butt.

He chuckled and gave her his signature goofy, charming smile , "Hi Suki."

Suki rolled her eyes, "You're so annoying." She kissed his forehead and rested her head on his shoulder , "but I still love you."

Sokka's heart exploded. No matter what Suki did he couldn't help but burst with love and care for her. Even if she was playing the, 'You're a dummy' cars on him. But he knew she meant it in a loving way and that he was her favorite dummy.

"I love you cutie." He left a loud, exaggerated smooch on the side of her neck which caused her to snort.

"So cute." He thought

She tilted her head, "I'm not done with my workout. Wanna help me?" She pressed a kissed behind his ear.

Sokka was confused for a second, "But you never want me too..." she lifted her face out of his shoulder and gave him the, 'really?' look. It dawned on him, "oh-OH. You want me to help you with THAT kind of workout."

She giggled and kissed his cheek, "Yes baby. But here's the catch."

"What is it?" He smiled all excited.

"You have to beat me in a sit up competition. If I win you don't get anything today. If you win you can have me."

Sokka's goofy expression turned seductive. He hiked Suki up and said, "Alright, I'll help you workout. You're on."

And he carried her away into their house, laughing and kissing. Sokka won :)
A/N: Aww they're getting older hehe. Sorry, this one is kinda of a filler and is short but I have been writing the major plot points for weeks and now they're being edited! I hope y'all enjoyed supportive boyfriend Sokka and Suki owning him🥳🥳

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