Fan and Knife

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Mai and Suki had just finished playing with their knives and fan.

"So you have a date with Sokka tonight?" mai asked as she polished her dagger.

"Yeah." Suki smiled and helped Mai clean up.

"Hey Suki. Can I talk to you about something?"

Sokka had just arrived but he heard Suki and Mai talking so he decided to let them finish before coming in to get her.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Do you think Zuko still loves me?"

Suki looked at Mai and raised her eyebrow. Mai frowned and had a sad expression on her face, "Why are you asking? Are you okay."

Mai shook her head. Suki had never seen her excute so much emotion so naturally she was concerned for her. She urged her to sit down on the couch with her and Mai began to talk much to Suki's surprise, "He's just been spending an awful lot of time with you."

Suki took her hand and looked at her with concern, "Mai there is nothing going on between me and Zuko. We're just friends."

"Suki. I don't think he thinks that. I see the way he looks at you and blushes. It's more than friendship. At least to him." Suki's anxiety spiked as she searched for the right words to say and Mai noticed, "Suki. This doesn't change our friendship at all but I just wanted to tell you so you're aware."

"Okay." Suki said, "What do I do? I love Sokka not Zuko."

"I don't know."

"He told me that he still loves you when we hung out on my birthday. Mai you need to talk to him. He's unraveling without you."

Mai stared at the floor and nodded, "You're right Suki." Mai hesitates a bit but then gives Suki a hug which she accepted, "Thanks."

Sokka knocked on the door and the two of them jumped. "Hey mai! Hi Suki." He said through gritted teeth.

"Hey baby. Are you ready to go?"

"Y-yeah! Bye Mai!" Suki met Sokka and they walked out.
Mai took a deep breath as she approached the Fire Lord's office. She gave a knock on the door and he perked up.

"Mai?" Zuko had a slight smile on his face and Mai's heart couldn't help but long for him again. Zuko was the one person in this universe that could make her smile, laugh, cry, and feel anything.

"Hi Zuko."

The two of them stared at each other for the longest time not knowing what do say. Then, Zuko got up and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry Mai."

They sat down and began to talk.
Sokka and Suki had had a wonderful date but Suki noticed he was off. After she got changed into her night gown she laid down next to him and examined his face.


"Sokka, what's on your mind."Suki brushed his hair out of his face.

"So does Zuko actually like you?"

Suki's eyes widened, "Where did you hear that?"

"I heard you and Mai talking. Suki, do you like him." He faced her and her face softened.

"No baby. I'm your girl. Not his. I'm just his bodyguard."

Sokka frowned, "Wouldn't you rather be with him though. You know. Handsome firebender Fire Lord Zuko. You guys would make a powerful pair."

Suki leaned up and kissed him sweetly, "I think a fan and sword look better together." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, "Don't worry baby. I'm all yours."

Sokka hesitated and mumbled, "But you deserve someone who's always there..."

Suki frowned and stroked his hair, "Sokka. I don't care if you're not here all the time. I don't care if you write my letters every week. What I do care about is that you love me and you prove that every time we are together. You know why?"


Suki chuckled and kissed the single tear that rolled down his cheek, "Because, Sokka, you make every moment of our time together special."

"Really?" He said quietly.

She smiled at him, "Yes. So you have nothing to worry about."

He thought for a moment and smiled, "Okay."

"I love you. Don't worry." She motioned for him to lie down on her chest and he did. Sokka hugged her and gave her a little kiss on her chest. Suki stroked his hair and smiled at him.

"If Zuko tries anything on you...I'll punch him in the face." Sokka joked

"Sokka." Suki chuckled and pinched his cheek, "No that's bad."

He looked up at her, "But I know you get nervous when people try to hold your hand and stuff."

"You're so sweet." She kissed his forehead, "He won't lay a finger on me. You're the only one allowed to hold my hand, hug me, and kiss me without asking." She tapped his nose and smiled at him.

Sokka chuckled, "Yeah you're my girl." He kissed her cheek and smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too."


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