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TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault. If you are sensitive to this topic please please please skip this chapter.

Sokka took a damp cloth and began to take off the red, white, and black face paint Suki so carefully painted on his face. Both of them sweated a lot after three hours of drills and practice. It had been about a week since SUKI started training him and Sokka was really beginning to get the hang of the Kyoshi Warrior's style of warrioring. Suki silently cleaned up the dojo. Sokka watched her curiously.

"Suki, why do you never take off your makeup here. We sweat a lot and it must be gross to have on right now."He picked up a towel and threw it in the dirty towel basket.

"Oh... well I don't really like taking it off till I get home. Umm, I have a very specific skincare routine." She looked down and continued to clean up the dojo.

"Hmm. Well, I know you're lying."

Suki bit her lip, "I have to go Sokka, um...see you tomorrow!" She hurriedly walks toward the door but Sokka stops her by grabbing a hold of her wrist.

"What the heck Sokka?!" She pulled her wrist away and grimaced.

"Suki, is there something bothering you?"

She sighed and held back the lump in her throat.

(About a week before)

She was in the marketplace picking up fresh produce for the girls back home. Today was Shoyo's birthday so Suki wanted to make something extra special for her since she was the youngest Kyoshi Warrior.

Suki engaged in casual conversation with the merchant when she felt a presence.

"Hey, Suki."

She turned around and was unpleasantly greeted by Konki, her ex-boyfriend. They had dated for about a year. Suki was 13 and he was 15. To the outside, they seemed like a cute, happy, young couple but behind closed doors was a different story. Konki would verbally torment Suki to the point where she had no tears left to cry. She finally mustered up her courage and left him about two years ago but his harassment haunted her.

Suki's shoulders tensed up. She bid the merchant farewell and made her way back to her shared home. Konki followed her so closely that she could feel his breath on her neck.

"I hear you're fooling around with the Avatar's little water tribe boy. What a slut you are Suki." He slid his disgusting hands down her sides and squeezed her ass.

"No." Was all she could utter but he proceeded to get closer to her anyway.

Suki tried to ignore him but her heart began to race and she froze in fear.

"You know Suki. I dream about you every night. Those lips of yours...your breasts...legs...body..." Konki grabbed her shoulder. She was a warrior but sometimes even the best warriors can't fight back. Konki slid his hands under her tunic and she shook. She dropped her bag of produce."What's the matter, Suki?" He hissed and went closer to her ear. Suki cringed as the anxiety in her body built up. She couldn't breathe.

"You're such a whore. You're even letting me do this to you. What happened to being a, what do you call it? 'Kyoshi Warrior' " His smirk was vile and disgusting. "Why without that makeup, you're not intimidating. You're just a girl."

He began to work his hands up to her chest when suddenly, "SUKI?" It was little Shoyo. Konki grabbed Suki tighter and tried to drag her away. The young warrior could not move or scream.

"AKARI HELP." Shoyo flicked her fans open and lunged at Konki. She knocked him on the back of his neck which caused his grip on Suki to falter. Suki had gained enough sense to grab his chin and slam him to a nearby tree.

Shoyo proceeded to slap him in the face and kick him where it hurt, "That's what you deserve you dirty sick bastard."

Akari came out of their home with her Katana. She threatened Konki with it, "Stay away from my sister." Konki cowered in fear and ran away.

Suki looked at her girls with tears in her eyes, "Thank you." She said softly.

Little Shoyo ran up to Suki and hugged her around her waist and Suki returned the hug. Shoyo was so little compared to Suki. But in that little body, she was fierce and strong.

Akari ran over to Suki, concern filling her eyes, and examined her face. Her blood boiled, "I swear to the spirits, Suki. I will kill that bastard if I have to."

That hadn't been the first time Konki had sexually assaulted Suki. It had been one of many times. Suki was a great warrior but when it came to Konki she was a victim.

"Here, I'll wipe it off," Sokka said, taking the damp cloth.

She pushed him away, "No."


Her blood boiled, "I said no! What do you boys not understand?! I said no!"

He saw her look at her reflection in the dojo's mirrors. She was scared and numb at the same time. She wasn't angry at all. Behind that brave face of hers were years of hurt, regret, pain, and fear.

"Suki...what happened?"

She turned away and closed her eyes trying to avoid confrontation. Tears of agony began to stream down her face. It had been so long since she was able to cry. She buried her face into her knees and Sokka sat there and watched her weep.

"Suki..." she continued to cry, "Can I just... I don't know. Can I hold you?"

Suki momentarily looked up at him. She hesitated a bit but eventually, she let him hold her. He put his arm around her waist and she flinched.

"Suki I'm sorry-"

The way Konki touched her came flooding back to her. Sokka could see the fear in her eyes and he knew.

"Who touched you?" His voice was quiet.

She stared at the dojo floor in silence. After a few minutes of this, she looked at the young water tribe boy. His eyes were full of concern. She hesitated and took his hand into hers and gave him a small smile. He returned it and urged her to sit right next to him. She began to talk and he listened.

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now