What it means to be a Warrior

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Sokka took a deep breath as he entered the dojo. It had been a couple of days since his little rumble with Suki. Sokka had done some reflective thinking and he realized how skilled she was and he wanted to learn from her. It took him a few days but he finally swallowed his pride and approached her. His eyes fell on the young auburn-haired warrior as he entered her dojo just past noon. From the looks of it, she had just finished up a workout of some sort and was now cleaning the dojo. Sokka gulped and stepped into the dojo.

"Hey, Suki-"

"How do you know my name?" the auburn-haired warrior said as she set her fan down and began to wipe the mirrors. "Are you here to give me another demonstration." She questioned, with her hand on her hip.

"No. Listen." Sokka gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. She crossed her arms and frowned at him.

"Do not waste my time."

Much to her surprise, he knelt down and bowed his head to her in shame. "Suki, I would be honored if you would teach me the ways of the Kyoshi Warrior."

Suki scoffed, "But you're male and we don't like outsiders, especially if they're male."

He looked up at her, " Please. I want to be a true warrior."

She looked at his face and her face softened. She sighed and offered her hand, "Get up, Sokka."

"Wait, how'd you know my name, Suki?" His voice cracked when he said 'you' which made Suki cough back her chuckle.

"Oh, I've always known.  I just like calling you, pretty boy. It throws you off." She cocked her head to the side and smiled. Sokka's eyes widen. When she wasn't about to murder him she was actually kind of cute.

"Wow, she's got a beautiful smile." He thought to himself.

"Oh." He blushed and scratched the back of his head.

She began to pace around him as she inspected him. "Since you will be training under the Kyoshi Warriors, you need to follow all of our customs."

"Of course!"

"And I mean all of them."

She left the room and got a spare Kyoshi Warrior Uniform that fit Sokka. "Put this on."

"Do I have too-"

"You want to be a warrior, right?" She looked at him intensely in the eye. Sokka stared at her wide-eyed and he gulped and nodded. He left to go change in the closet.

Meanwhile, Suki was blushing profusely in the middle of the dojo. She wanted to kick herself for thinking that he was cute. But how could she not? She liked the way he faltered whenever she presented the slightest threat to him. It was quite charming. When he said sorry to her she could tell that he was sincere. So what if she liked him? It isn't every day that some intriguing boy from a different nation came crashing through her dojo. Suki rationalized her feelings and told herself to just enjoy his presence while he was here. There's nothing wrong with making a new friend after all. 

Her daydream was cut short as Sokka came out and with everything on except the black vest.

"He's so cute...even in the uniform. Especially in the uniform." She kicked herself mentally and plastered a guarded facial expression on her face.

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now