In the Clouds

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"Sokka cannot take his eyes off of you." Katara giggled as she folded the sleeping bags. 

Suki helped her clean up the campsite. The Gaang were now headed toward Ember Island to seek refuge from the fire lord.

"It's probably because I'm wearing his clothes." Suki giggled out of slight embarrassment.

"I'm glad you're here Suki. I really missed you." Katara wrapped her in a friendly hugged. Suki flinched but as Katara hugged her, she slowly grew more comfortable.

See Suki. Hugs aren't so bad.

Suki smiled and hugged her back.

Sokka grabbed Suki's hands.

"Okay on three. One, two three!" Suki jumped and Sokka pulled her up onto Appa's saddle.



"You were just a little..."

"A little what?" Suki raised her eyebrow. Sokka gulped

"Sokka-" Katara shot him a, 'Do not dare say another word' look.

"Uhhhh." he scratched the back of his head.

Suki put her hands on her hips and gave him a, 'don't mess with me' look. Sokka cowered and Suki began to laugh. Katara and Toph join in.

"Huh?" Sokka squeaked.

"Sokka, I know I'm a little heavier. But it's all muscle." She flexed her bicep and slapped Sokka on the back.

Gah! Suki, you are so bad at flirting! Get a grip!

"Alright Sokka, sit your ass down because Aang is about to Yip Yip fuzzy so we can head to the beach!" Toph exclaimed.

"Toph, no cursing," Katara muttered,  giving Toph a look.

"Hey hey! Calm down, sweetness! It's just an expression." Toph playfully punched Katara's arm and the young waterbending master scowled causing Sokka and Toph to howl in laughter.

Zuko climbed onto Appa with a blanket to share with everyone. It was a long journey ahead for the young war heroes.

"Everyone ready?" Aang questioned, grasping onto the reins.

"Aye aye captain! YIP YIP!" Toph screamed. Everyone laughed as Appa began to soar toward Ember Island.
The air flowed. It was cool and crisp. The evening had fallen and everyone was asleep except for Katara who's offered to fly Appa so Aang could get some shut eye.

Suki shivered as the air kissed her skin. It was so cold and she was only wearing the short-sleeved tunic Sokka gave her.

"You cold?" Sokka asked, putting his arm around her.

Suki huddled into him and shivered, "Yeah."

Sokka shuffled through his bag and pulled out his furry jacket from the Water Tribe, "Here."

Suki smiled and put his jacket on. She instantly felt warmer but it was still cold.

"You're so sweet."

"Hmmm... You still look you maybe want to cuddle." He tapped his fingers together and looked sweetly at her.

Suki's heart jumped.

She crawled into his lap to face him, cuddling the side of her head into the crook of his neck.

"Mmm better." She sighed.

"Awww so cute." Katara cooed.

Sokka scowled, "Shut up,  Katara."

Katara chuckled and petted Appa's head.

"Sokka, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

Suki frowned and began to fiddle with the fur lining of Sokka's coat, "I feel guilty. All the time."


She sat up to look at him, "I got my girls captured. I couldn't protect them. And here I am, free, while they're still in prison." She paused, "And I even get to be here with you. I love you but I can't help but feel guilty whenever I kiss and hug you."


"You didn't do anything wrong! But I can't help but feel guilty. I get to be...happy. Heck, I get to be in love! But them...they don't get that. They get nothing and as their leader, it hurts me to know that I'm free and they're not! It hurts more's my fault they got captured!"

Sokka grabbed her face, "Suki."

"Sorry." She sighed.

"Hey, I understand! Us warriors we feel guilty when we are happy and we feel guilty when we can't protect. But for now, let's focus on winning the war! When we win, your girls and all the prisoners and the whole world will be free!"

Suki smiled, "Thank you."

"Of course." Sokka hugged her and sighed, "Now, relax."

"Spirits it is cold. You mind if I lie down here?" Toph groggily asked

"C'mere bestie," Sokka exclaimed.

"I will hit you," Toph growled.

The young earthbender cuddled her head into Sokka's side, resting her hand in Suki's, and fell asleep. Shortly after, Aang crawled over to sleep next to Toph. Toph hugged Momo when the little lemur bat nuzzled himself into her arms. Zuko eventually pulled the blanket over all of them and laid down on Sokka's other side and fell asleep.

When Appa landed on Ember Island, Katara wearily looked over at her friends and her heart warmed. All of them were just a bunch of kids trying to survive. They all had risked everything they had to bring balance to the world. Katara thanked Appa and crawled over to settle next to Aang. Before the young water bender went to sleep, she looked up at the sky and thanked the spirits for her new family.


A/N: Sorry for not updating for two weeks! I've been very busy at school and I had surgery! Here's a little filler chapter with some soft family Gaang action because I love all of them!

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