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"Okay, so we have to get lettuce and tomatoes and tofu for Aang and you. Katara said we need some fruit and fish, right?"

Suki intertwined her hand with his, "Yes. We only have this much so I think we're gonna have to barter. The Fire Nation is way overpriced."

"Barter?" Sokka asked, squeezing her hand.

"You'll see." She pecked him on the cheek and pulled him toward one of the meat stands.

"Excuse me, Mister, how much for two of these fine fishes you've caught?" Suki leaned against the stand and flashed the young merchant a smile.

Sokka watched carefully, "Ten pieces for two!"

Suki grimaced and looked down at her hands, "Awww, but sir, I only have this many pieces. Do you think you could lower the price down?"

The merchant crossed his arms and huffed, "Sorry, Mam. No can do. This here is the finest fish in the Fire Nation. You would practically be robbing me if I sold them to you that low."

Suki frowned and inspected the fish, "Gee, sir, but this fish isn't from the Fire Nation."

The young merchant's eyes widened, "Yes they are! And if they weren't how would you know?"

Suki gave s him a smug look, " Well you see, sir, my husband over there," Suki gestured to Sokka who waved, "Has taken me far and wide because I am very interested in the fish business. And this specific species isn't from the Fire Nation. It comes just off the coast of Full Moon Bay in the Earth Kingdom which from my understanding imports fish to the Fire Nation which is far from here. Not very fresh now isn't it? And on top of that, they are experiencing a surplus in this species of fish, making them cheaper. So you, sir, are scamming me by charging me ten pieces for two when it SHOULD be four gold pieces for two plus one because you need to make a profit."

Suki put her hands on her hips and shot the cowering merchant an intimidating look. Sokka stared at his girlfriend in awe.

"So do we have a deal? Two for five coins?"

The merchant bagged three fish and basically tossed them to Suki, "Take three. I'm sorry for the inconvenience! He squeaked.

Suki placed five pieces down and walked away nonchalantly as if she didn't scare the poor man.

Sokka grabbed her forearms and shook her, "Suki-THAT WAS AMAZING! I didn't know you could-WOW! You are so incredible in everything you do!"

Suki kicked the dirt and smiled at him, "Meh. It was nothing really."

Sokka put his arm around her shoulder and they began to walk to find a fruit and veggie stand, "Man. You are one incredible girl Suki."

Suki blushed, "Thanks."

The couple walked and Sokka spotted a poster on a post, "The Boy in the Iceberg."

"Oh my spirits. I haven't seen a play in so long. We should ask the Gaang if they want in." Suki exclaimed.

Sokka took the poster and rolled it into a tube to put in his bag, "A perfect way to waste time and relax!"

"Agreed!" Suki smiled as he slipped his arm around her shoulder again.

Sokka smooched her cheek and pulled her closer as they made their way to a fruit and veggie cart where an older woman was sitting.

"Ooo! Suki, can I try this one?"

"Yes but be nice to her. She's older."

"Okay but I need you to come with me for this to work. Pretend to wife!"

Sokka and Suki walked to the little shop and began to scan the fruits and vegetables.

"Hello." Said an old man. His face was aged by the sun and he had a sweet smile, "What are you two young people looking for today?"

"Well you see, sir, My wife and I are shopping for groceries. You see my wife and I are expecting. Isn't that right sweetheart." Sokka kissed her cheek and Suki turned a bright shade of red.

"Aww! How sweet!" The old woman cooed, "Hiro, don't they remind you of us when we were young! You two are a very beautiful couple."

"Thank you," Suki said shyly. She placed her hand on her stomach for effect.

"We were wondering if you two kind folk had any special deals today. My wife's been out of work so we're a little tight on money. We only have these five coins and an extra fish to give away." Sokka rubbed Suki's shoulder.

"Well, we do have the four for the price of two right now. Two pieces of our fruit and veg are five coins. If we take that fish off your hands, I guess I can throw in this bag of wild nuts"

The old man waddled to take the bag of nuts off the hanging rack. Suki opened her bag and he placed it in. He then took two apples and a bag of spinach and carrots.

"Honey, she's having a baby. Why don't you throw in some extra for the little one on the way."

Suki looked to Sokka and then to the couple, "Oh no. I couldn't. That is too much."

The old woman fanned herself, "Nonsense darling. You need food for the child!"

"Agreed. I remember when Jisoo was with child. She was always hungry. Here. Take it as a gift." The old man gave Suki a few pieces of fruit, vegetable, and even a block of tofu wrapped in some banana leaves. Hiro smiled at the young couple, "My, you two look just like my wife and me when we were young. Hold each other close and enjoy every moment." His wife walked to him and he gave her a loving kiss on the forehead.

"Take care!" She said.

Suki bowed her head in thanks, "Thank you! We will enjoy this. Won't we darling."

"Y-yes!" Sokka stammered taken aback by the kindness of the couple, "Thank you, kind mam and sir." The two young warriors waved goodbye and began to head back to the home.

"Wow, Sokka. You really pulled the baby and wife trope on those two. We basically robbed them! I feel bad!"

Sokka squeezed her shoulder, "I did what I had to. We have a lot of people to feed."

Suki looked to the ground, "You know, I like being called your wife."

Sokka's heart jumped, "What?!"

Suki giggled and smiled up at him, "Yeah. It's a nice thought. And our 'baby' thinks so also." Suki jokingly rubbed her tummy and Sokka laughed.

He placed his hand on her tummy and smiled at her, "One day maybe. We can have all that. We can even grow old together like them."

Suki stopped walking just as they reached the home. "Really?" She said with a hint of shock in her voice.

Sokka scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly, "Y-yeah. Unless, you don't want that. I mean I won't force you to like. Mhrmmm sorry."

Suki chuckled and pulled him into a sweet kiss, "I would like that. Not now of course but in the future." She blushed and looked shyly to him.

Sokka smiled, "Deal."

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum