Love Robbery

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Today was Sokka's last day in the Fire Nation. Him and Suki decided to spend it just walking around downtown. Suki was sad that they would be saying goodbye again but she knew that he'd always come back. The two of them walked hand in hand into a seashell shop called, "San's House of Shells," claiming to have the rarest and most beautiful seashells in the Fire Nation.

"You know Suki, I've always wanted to collect seashells." Sokka said, inspecting a pretty one that was tinted green.

"Oh really?" Suki said leaning over his shoulder to take a look. It was beautiful.

Sokka picked up the shell and put it to her ear, "Doesn't it sound like Aang's air bending?"

Suki chuckled and pressed her ear into the shell more to listen, "Yeah it does!"

"Yeah! I have always considered myself a seashell connoisseur! I've been fascinated by shells since I was a kid."  Suki continued to listen to him talk about the different seashells and she noticed that the owner was staring at them.

"You can't be a seashell expert. You're clearly not from around here."

Suki shot a glare at him and defended Sokka, "Hey. There's a thing called scrolls and plus the Fire Nation doesn't have that many shells to study."

The man took a step toward Suki and tried to intimidate her but she stood her ground, "And how would you know little girl?"

"I'll have you know sir that I am 18 years old and the head body gaurd to Fire Lord Zuko. I think my boyfriend knows more than you because he has traveled the whole world with Avatar Aang so he has definently seen way more seashells than you will ever see in your entire life!"

Sokka put his hand on her shoulder, "Babe-calm dow-"

"I AM CALM!" Sokka stepped back and let her be.

"Okay whatever. Are you looking to buy young shell connoisseur?" San asked sarcastically.

"Hmmm. Yes ! How much?"

"It's normally priced at 15 pieces but I'll give you two for thirty so your firecracker of a girlfriend can have one too."

Sokka's eyes lit up, "What a deal...wait a minute."

Suki chuckled, "You're such a goof."

Suki and Sokka continued to peruse the shop and interact in playful banter. A girl, no older than 13 or 14, walked into the store. Jojan, the shop keeper's employee, informed San, who had just fought Suki, that there was another customer. San dismissed her as another fake collector, "Girls only come in here to accompany their boyfriends and seem cool. They can't be real collectors or experts."

Suki's blood boiled but she chose to just stay with Sokka. The girl picked up a delicate shell and examined it, "This one is from the old Earth Kingdom colonies near Kyoshi Island!"

Suki walked over to her and smiled, "Hey! I've seen that one before in school. It's a"

"Hermit marmoset." They said in unison. The two girls giggled and looked at the beautiful shell. San rolled his eyes.

"You see these axial ribs on the shell? This one seems to be several centuries old according to that," the girl looked up to San who was seething, "How much is this?"

"It's probably too expensive for you to buy anyway." He states. Jojan and San snickered and Suki's blood boiled.

"Okay, listen here you bitch. You cannot treat your customers like that."

"Okay you're giving me too much trouble little lady. Jojan, take her out." Jojan followed his orders and grabbed Suki's arms to lead her out.

"Let go of me. I can walk out myself!" She grumbled." Jojan laughed and didn't.

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