Best Warrior Wins!

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The air was hot on Ember Island. Not only because of the weather but also because of the tension heating up between the two Warriors.

Sokka and Suki had begun a heated sparring session. Sokka had definitely improved since his days on Kyoshi but he was still barely a match for Suki.

Sokka threw a punch at her but the warrior skillfully blocked it and twisted his arm behind him. Suki pushed him up against a pillar and leaned her lips toward his ear, "Even after all those months in prison, I still got it, pretty boy."

"Yeah-" he squeaked.

Suki swept her foot to his ankle to make him lose his balance, "Suki-"

Suki giggled and pinned him to the ground. Sokka struggled against her grip as she restrained him between her legs, "I win!"

Sokka frowned as she traced her finger across his face.  "Sexy." He remarked. Sokka gave her a cocky grin and she smacked his face.

Suki pinched his face between her hands, "Shut up pretty boy."

Sokka stuck his tongue out at her, "Bully."

Suki rolled her eyes and applied more pressure on him which caused him to yelp. She chuckled and began to pet his hair with love. "My my. Soft now aren't we Sokka?" She stuck her lip out, "Poor Sokka. Beat by a girl."

Sokka grumbled and tried to push her off of him but she reinforced her grip on him and smirked. "Suki!" He whined. Suki smiled a teasing smile and leaned down to kiss him. He wasn't gonna get her that easily. She placed her lips right next to his mouth which caused the young Water Tribe warrior to groan, "Suki, you're such a tease!"

Suki giggled and began to kiss him with passion and love. Amidst her body tingling, she let go of Sokka's hands and began to run one of them along the side of his head and through his hair, "Mmm Sokka." She moaned.

Sokka's insides began to bubble at her touch and words. He grabbed her head and pulled her in further, licking the bottom of her lip. Suki allowed him in her mouth and the air grew warm around them. "Mmm Suki. I love you" He groaned running his hand along her side making her hum at his touch.

Her body relaxed and Sokka took that as an opportunity. He grabbed her upper arms and her eyes widened, "Sokka-"

"Find an opening! Just like you taught me!" He gave her a mischievous half-grin and flipped her over, "Payback time Suki!"

He flipped her below his body and Suki cursed at him causing him to laugh. Sokka began to tickle her and Suki unraveled and began to shriek, "F-fuck you Sokka!"

Sokka let out an obnoxious laugh and began to kiss her all over her face whilst tickling her, "Do you surrender now?!" 

"No!" She threw her knees toward her chest and kicked, causing him to topple roughly off of her.

"OW!" Sokka yelped.

The blood drained from Suki's face and she frantically crawled over to him. "Sokka?" She shook him but he didn't move. Tears began to form in her eyes. She clamped her mouth shut and began to whimper, "S-Sokka?" She stuttered and began to shake him, "Sokka wake up! Babe, wake up!"

Suddenly, Sokka's tongue slipped out of his mouth, "BLEHHHH!"

Suki's face contorted and she smacked his chest, "SON OF A BITCH!" She aggressively wiped her flushed face, "FUCK YOU SOKKA! YOU FUCKING SCARED ME!"

Sokka began to laugh at her fuming expression, "SUKI THAT WAS PRICELESS, 'Sokka! Wake up!'" He mocked.

Suki growled and firmly gripped his face between her hands, "Don't you ever fucking dare do that again. You hear that pretty boy? Or I will actually murder your sorry ass."

Sokka whistled at her, "Damn. You're Sexy."

"I mean that idiot." She stated with a hint of passive-aggressiveness. Suki turned away and crossed her arms.

 Sokka began to squeeze her and kiss her shoulder and cheek. "Sorry, baby. I won't do it ever again." He cooed.

She smacked his face playfully, "You better not. I will end you." Sokka stuck his bottom lip out and she rolled her eyes and kissed him, "I love you dumbass."

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now