A Frosted 17th

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Suki groaned as she woke up, "What in Vatuu's ..." she mumbled under her breath. The blanket got pulled away from her and she shrieked.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!" Sokka, Katara, and Amka cheered as they banged their metal pots with wooden spoons.

Suki, still groggy from sleep, sat up with her mouth agape, "What? What's going on?"

"It's your birthday!" Katara exclaimed.

"And here in the Water Tribe we greet the birthday person with LOTS of sound!" Amka cheered as she hit her pot again.

"Oh." Suki gave them a small smile, "Thank you!"

"We have a lot more planned! Speaking of which, Amka and I have to go...prepare some things. BYE! Happy birthday!" Katara and Amka sprinted out the igloo.

Suki starred in their direction, still dazed from sleep. She rubbed her eyes. When she stopped Sokka was in front of her face, "Hello." He said with a smile.

"What?" Suki said grumpily, "What time is it? It's so early." She grumbled.

Sokka chuckled and tossed her the blanket. Suki happily accepted and buried herself back into its warmth.

Sokka, still sitting on the edge of her bed, squeezed her knee through the blanket, "Are you still sleepy?"

"Yes." She mumbled.

Sokka crawled over Suki and joined her under the blanket. He hugged her and gave her a kiss on her cheek, "Okay. Since it's your special day we can sleep in!" He nuzzled his body to her backside and Suki sighed.

"Thank you." She yawned and turned to hug him.

"Happy birthday."
"Okay, so this is our first activity on our itinerary!" Sokka said, pulling Suki up a huge hill of snow.

"Itinerary?" Suki chuckled and Sokka smiled and held her hand. The two trudged up the mountain until they got to where all the otter penguins lived.

"What's this?"

"Remember when I called you a baby otter penguin?"

"Dear spirits." Suki rolled her eyes and nudged his face.

"Well....we're going penguin sledding!!!"

Suki's eyes widened, "Really?!"

"Yes! Now to get their attention you need to act like them. Watch." Suki crossed her arms to watch him and Sokka readied himself, "QUACK! QUACK! QUACK!" He shrieked as he waddled around ridiculously.

Suki burst out into laughter, "Sokka you're scaring them."

He stopped for a moment, "Um no I'm not! See! QUACK QUACK QUACK!"

"You sound like a turtle duck." She smirked and Sokka scowled at her.

"No, I don't!"

"Let me try." Suki crouched down and waddled around and held her arms out whilst imitating an Otter Penguin sound. A bunch of them surrounded her and she began to laugh. "See. Don't scare them off!"

"Wow! You're like an animal whisperer!" Sokka repeated Suki's process and soon enough a few of the little creatures surrounded him too.

"What can I say. I have a way with animals. I remember when I found Appa when he was missing. He was so scared and alone. He just wanted to be loved."

"You're the one who found him?!"

"Yes. Then I got captured and you know."

Sokka's mouth was wide open, "Wow. We would have been done for if it wasn't for you."

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now