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TW: I have written a very detailed panic attack triggered by a reoccurring night terror. Please skip this chapter if you cannot read that kind of stuff 💖

Suki finished up her shower. The soap was scented like the lavenders on Kyoshi Island which brought her some comfort. She slipped on her special nightgown. It was black, red, and gold with cherry blossoms on it. This nightgown was her mother's so it held some sentimental value to her. It was one of the few things that weren't turned to ash when Kyoshi was burned by Prince Zuko. She walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.

This is way better than the rock hard bedrolls back at the port.

 The sheets were silk and the pillows were fluffy. Suki sunk into the silk sheets and stared at the ceiling. The room was dimmed by the evening but had a soft, warm glow because of the candlelit on the bedside table.

"Hey- Suki- wow." Sokka stopped at the door to admire his girlfriend.

"Can I help you?" Suki giggled as she played with her nightgown sleeve.

"I was just gonna ask if you're okay with me sleeping without a tunic on." He smiled out of embarrassment, "I overheat when I sleep. You know, Water Tribe people and their self-generating heat."

Suki chuckled, "Of course. That's okay with me Sokka." She winked and his face turned bright red.

He started for the bathroom and took off his tunic. Suki inhaled sharply, louder than she wanted to, and began to unintentionally eye his back muscles.

Hot Damn.

Just a few months ago, she would have kicked herself mentally for gushing over a boy. Now, she allowed herself to gush. It was Sokka after all.

"Like what you see?" She frowned as he flashed her a cocky grin causing her to roll her eyes and smile. Sokka made his way into the bathroom to take a shower, not before peaking out the doorframe to blow a kiss to Suki. She laughed and caught it with her hand.

"So cute" Her heart clenched.

Suki laid on the bed drifting in and out of sleep. Sokka finished his shower and dried up. He put on a pair of loose cotton sleep pants and checked himself out in the mirror. Sokka sauntered out of the bathroom and gently slipped his way in the bedsheets. Sokka turned to face his sleeping girlfriend and smiled as he stroked her cheek.

What an angel.

Sokka opened his arms, "Can I cuddle you?"

Suki scooted toward him and nuzzled herself into him, lightly left a few kisses on his chest."Please do, you don't have to ask every time you know."

"Well, I just want to make sure you're okay with anything we're doing." He gently began to pet her head and she sighed.

Suki let out a soft giggle and replied sleepily, "You're so sweet."

"Hey, Suki?"

"Yes?" She was half asleep with her eyes already shut.

Sokka nuzzled his nose into her hair and inhaled dramatically, " You smell nice."

She laughed lightly with her eyes still closed, "Thank you. You smell nice as well." 

She wished that life was always like this. Just the two of them.

He snuggled into her and she sighed. "Hey, Suki, do you wanna hear something nice?"

She was half asleep at this point, "Mmhm" she yawned and wrapped her arms tighter around him.

Two Warriors |Sukka Love Story Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum