He attacked but luckily I blocked with Nico's sword. I charged up my other hand with an ectoplasmic ray and shot Vlad with it as I sucker punched him.

Vlad stumbled back but still managed to stay afloat."You know, Daniel...I won't be able to kill you, but I can break you from the beginning. There's still someone you don't want to die, just yet." He said."And that would be?" I asked.

I don't have much to lose anymore, except... Courtney..."You stay away from her." I said."Who? What was her name again?"

"Oh yeah, Courtney Smith and her mother." He said. I don't know what happened. All I knew there and then was that my blood was boiling and something in me was starting to build up.

Vlad's eyes widen and he started to back up."No...it can't be!" He said. I sliced my sword towards him. The blade itself missed but the power of the slice managed to hit Vlad across his chest and it was a deep cut.

I floated towards Vlad. I attacked again with a much more powerful blast and he was sent into the wall where he fell down."Don't have that calm face if you are going kill me." Vlad said."You should know by now that I don't kill." I said and brought down the sword next to Vlad's head.

"If you know, what's best for you, I suggest that you back off or I will let this inner demon out." I said and I started to calm down. I took the sword as I went over to where Nico was with the rest.

Percy's POV
That's the angriest I have ever seen him."He was pissed back there! What happened!" Fred asked."One thing you should know about Danny, is that you don't threaten his family." I explained."Has this happened before?" Rex asked.

We looked at Nico."Yes...but never at this extend." He said. I saw Danny walking out with my sword resting on his shoulder as he whistles."The fuck was that, Danny!" Nico snapped.

"He threatened someone I cared about." Danny said innocently. He gave back my sword."Are you alright? You're whole appearance changed...but now it is back to the way it was?" I asked."What? This isn't anime."

"Anime? No! Your hair it was fire and I mean all of your hair, not just the tips and both your eyes looked like Vlad's eyes...where is he by the way?" Nico asked.

"Oh...I scared the living daylights out of him. He thought I was going to kill him. Like I would do something like that."

Everyone was silent."Oh come on! There's no way that I looked like HIM and looked that scary."

"Have you not noticed how your power was enhanced for that little moment?" Jason asked."If you act like that again, I won't hesitate to electrocute you as much as you hate it."

"You guys are scaring me. I'm not going to...you know what, Vlad is taken care off. That's all." Danny said.

"Are we going back to camp now?" Trish asked."You guys go ahead, I'm going to get my son." Jason said."Whoa, hey! I thought he was only ten!" Danny asked."After what happened here... I'm not taking chances." Jason said and he was gone.

"Nico, Percy, kids." Danny said as we were about to take our leave."Thank you for coming to help me." Danny said."Your welcome, can we go now?" Nico said."I'm starting to like him." Trish commented. I smiled as we made our way back to civilization.

When we arrived at Amity Park, we immediately went to the bus station."Let's make this faster." Danny said. We stopped and looked at him."How?" I asked."I'm not shadow traveling with all of you, if that is what your asking." Nico said.

"What? No. I'm going to make a portal back to camp." Danny said. The street we were in wasn't busy luckily. Mainly because it was almost time for dinner."I'm starving, let's use a portal." Rex said.

"Order up!" Danny said and he used his powers to make a portal. He stuck his head through and then he stepped through. The rest of us followed him and there we stood in the middle of camp.

"Their back!" Abby shouted. Everyone circled around us as Chiron tried to come to us."That was fast."

"It was only three days, I think?" Danny said."Good to see you are alright. You have completed your first quest!" He announced."Actually!" Rex piped up."It was a trap set using Phantom over here, but luckily it was handled." Rex said.

Suddenly Danny threw both Rex and James in the air and caught them both on his shoulders."For what was that!" Rex shouted."Can't I show off my amazing sons?" Danny said smirking. Everyone looked shocked at them.

Nico and I nodded and we did the same. Trish was on Nico's shoulders while Fred was on mine."What!" I turned to see Clarisse."Oh hey Clarisse!" I said happily. A little further behind her stood Rachel and Annabeth.

"You're our parents?" Fred asked."Yeah, I'm your godly parent." I said."I have questions for you." Trish said to Nico. Nico just nodded.

"Welcome, James and Rex Smith, sons of Danny Phantom, the God of Balance and Protection. Welcome, Trish O'Hara, Daughter of Nico Di Angelo, God of Spirits. Welcome, Fred Holiday, Son of Perseus Jackson, God of Loyalty." Chiron said.

Everyone went down on their one knee. I blinked. I did not expect that.

After that a party was thrown. For the success of the quest even if it was a trap and then just for the heck of it. Just like last time, Nico and I wanted to sneak way from the load noises but Trish and Fred stopped us.

"We have questions." They both said."Alright, let's go somewhere where it's more quiet." Nico said. We went over to the Hades cabin and sat down the porch."So the two of you are gay..."

"Yeah, well he is gay, I'm bisexual." I answered."Okay, so why did you have kids with mortals?" Fred continued."Well, Zeus wants us to have kids. That doesn't necessarily mean that we forced your mothers while doing so. We really care about them." Nico said.

"Then...why didn't you do anything about it? My mother died and I had to survive Gotham's streets." Trish said. Nico sighed sadly."I wanted to but Zeus stopped me. I don't know what his deal is with the gods mixing with the mortals but he doesn't like it when we interfere."

"It's complicated, Trish." I added."Nico was broken when he couldn't help you. He wanted to bring you here, but Zeus stopped him." I tried to explain.

Trish looked down at the grass."How's your mother doing?"I asked Fred."She also passed. She was murdered and I had to go to the orphanage. She didn't tell anyone who you were so the child support agency had no choice but to take me to the orphanage."

"I'm so sorry, Fred. The four of us are trying to be better than the gods. The truth is, no one sees their godly parent as much. I tried to change that when I was still a demigod."

"What did you do?" Fred asked."Well, I forced Zeus to make an oath that all demigods should get claimed and should be here at camp but the age of thirteen or so and I also said that the minor gods like Iris, Nemesis and whoever else should get a cabin too because they have kids too." Percy said.

"Where's our cabins? Is this one mine?" Trish asked pointing at the cabin behind us."That's the Hades Cabin. Follow us." Nico said and Nico and I held hands as we walked towards their cabins."We haven't decorated it, since we didn't know what you would like so go nuts." I said.

"Trish, this is your cabin and if it happens your future siblings will share it with you." Nico said."This one is yours." I told Fred. He immediately ran in and I followed him. Nico went with Trish.

"It's fine so far." Fred said. He choose the bed that was close to the window."Like I said. Add whatever you want to make it feel like home."

"How was your cabin?"

"The Poseidon Cabin?"


"It has it's own fountain inside and it always smelled of the oceans." I tried to explain."Well, I also enjoy the water. I think I'll add a fountain as well with maybe some Khoi fish."

"Nice." I said and we started to talk more about decoration ideas as Danny once again challenged Apollo again at the party. I chuckled to myself.

Somethings just won't change.

Book 2 PDS: Whatever It Takes-Batman, Percy Jackson & Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now