41. The best day of my life

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Okay so I've been getting really into Ao3 fics and Criminal Minds. So while I was searching for criminal minds fics, I decided to do some crossover stuff and since Criminal Minds and Teen Wolf were created by the same guy (a big fat fucking shocker when I found out). And I have been searching for ages. Everything either has a billion fucking other fandoms in it, or had 3 chapters and hasn't been updated in years.

I just found a new one called The New Member with Stiles as the newest team member of the BAU. I just finished chapter 3 and like this is amazing. I absolutely love it. But Chapter 3 is usually about as far as a lot of people get before they ditch their stories (I would know). So I scrolled up to check how many chapters it had. 


It has 30 chapters. 

And over 60k words.

And it's completed.

I literally got so excited (and, embarrassingly, a little teary eyed). 

God I'm fucking hype. 

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