182. My bitch ass sleep paralysis demon

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Jk, I don't have a sleep paralysis demon but I do experience sleep paralysis every now and again. And let me tell you, it is not fun. I'm one of the more lucky ones though because I don't hallucinate or anything like that. And I don't the phantom feeling on my chest that something is holding me down and I still feel like I can breath. I think a lot of that has to do is that I sleep on my side, usually kinda curled up so it wouldn't make sense for anything to be holding me down by my chest. But I digress. 

I bring up sleep paralysis because I had like a more intense bout of it this morning. Usually when I experience it, I sort of gently wake up and then realize that I can't move or open my eyes. Then I take like a minute to collect myself and then I gather all of my energy and basically jerk my head back to get me out of it. 

This morning though I had a dream, but it was one of those dreams where it's like you just living life. Like it wasn't weird or anything. Like I was just walking out of my bedroom and to the bathroom. But when I got to the bathroom I realized that I was still in a dream. Shit got fuzzy, I got a bit of tunnel vision, started to fall, and then abruptly woke up. 

I was curled up, it was pitch black, I was huddled up in my blanket with my stuffy tight against my chest. And since I'd had a rather ungentle wake up, I started to freak out a bit. I started to hyperventilate and I tried to call out for help but I couldn't really open my mouth so just a small noise came out. 

Like I was able to calm down my breathing, take deep breathes and jerk myself out of it but by god did that fucking suck lmao. 

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