120. Never learn

15 3 6

Some people are so fucking stupid, I swear to god. Like, I don't understand how a group of people could be so incompetent. I need to know what in my aunt's and cousins' minds told them that getting together for Christmas was a good idea? I need to know why they thought that it was okay. Especially after what happened with another part of our family that decided to get together at Thanksgiving. 

For anyone curious: a bunch of cousins and my great aunt and uncle decided to get together for Thanksgiving. Every single person who attended got covid. My cousins fiancé was hospitalized and my great aunt and uncle are very high risk because they're old and have lung issues.

So after that happened, and everyone being concerned for them and "omg, no, they're sick" (and I'm not trying to be insensitive here (i'm also pretty sure they're better now) but like, it's their fucking fault. what did they think was gonna happen when they had a massive gathering peak covid that included by great uncle who still travels all the time because of this fucking catholic shit he's in, Knights of Camelot or some shit (it's not actually Camelot, I just can't remember)), my aunt and cousins decided they were gonna do the same shit. Except this time it's with my cousin who goes to National Guard shit once a month with a bunch of people from all over the state, my other cousin who goes to work and her two elementary aged children, some of my other cousins' friends and a boyfriend. 

Can y'all guess what happened? Hmm? Can you guess what happened after they held a gathering during Christmas? Can you? 

Cause I can.

They all have fucking covid. Fucking surprise! Who woulda thunk it? Oh, that's right, me and my parents who denied the invitation because I have a job, and I interact with people who do other shit and I'm not trying to possibly bring covid to my family from work or bring covid to work from my family. Because we are actually intelligent and can guess that maybe meeting up during a pandemic isn't the brightest fucking idea. 

Obviously I hope they get better but it's their fault and I don't feel that bad for them. 

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