Chapter 21- Okay here we go.

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Harry's POV

I used to find those guys who tried to fix things with the same girl as clingy. I mean come on. That girl isn't the only one in the world.

She dumped you? Find another one.

And now here I am, driving through unfamiliar roads, risking getting lost in an unknown country, all to fix things for that one girl.


I'm soo whipped.

I instantly took my phone out when I reached her hotel and texted Kendall asking which flat she was in. 

As I impatiently waited for her reply, I couldn't help but think back to our fight. 

If this is how our married life is going to be, then I think we should call this off.

That sentence right there broke me into pieces. 

Our marriage was what I was looking forward to the most. There was no girl who could make me feel like how she does. 

Her laugh instantly brings a smile on my face. Her touch feels electric. And how our hands just seem to fit together as we take long walks on the beach. 

My phone buzzed snapping me out of my thoughts.


I rushed out of the car and to meet her. I need the truth to come from her mouth. It just has to. 

No matter what act I put on.

"Heyy Harry! Come in!" Kendall said as soon as I rang the doorbell.

She seemed awfully happy that I came alone to her apartment. I sat on the sofa and she sat much closer to me and I felt really awkward. 

"So you dumped Khushi?" She asked.

Okay here we go.

"She called off our wedding." I said placing my head in my hands. 

"What do you mean she called off?" Kendall asked surprised.

"She dumped me." I said looking at her. 

"You'll find a better woman than that witch." She said placing her hand on top of mine which was meant to be comforting but wasn't what I felt. 

"I don't think I can." I said tears welling up my eyes.

It's true. I can't find someone better than Khushi.

"You're a singer, Harry. There are millions who'd die to be with you. You can do much better than just a high school graduate who doesn't even know what to do with her life." Kendall said.

And how you're this famous singer and I'm just a nobody.

Her words just felt like much more of a stab on my heart. Khushi was telling the truth.

And I'm here regretting ever not believing her.

"This was the exact reason why I never did love, Kendall. In the end, I'm the one who ends up hurt. Might as well give up." I said sighing.

"No don't tell like that. I'm there for you." She said scooting closer. I scoffed.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Why do you hate her so much?" I asked frankly.

"Oh I don't hate her at all. I told you. I was trying to get along with her but you know what happened." Kendall said.

"But that isn't what happened now, is it?" I said looking at her and she scrunched her eyebrows.

"What do you mean, Harry? You know I only want the best for you." She said and my anger boiled up inside but I tried staying calm.

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