Chapter 15 - Happy together

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Harry's POV

"No! He is my dad's brother!" Khushi said getting frustrated. 

"YOU HAVE TOO MANY RELATIVES, KHUSHI!" I said groaning which made Jaya laugh.

"Jija ji, take it easy. There's too many to understand that easily. It took us our entire lifetime to understand so it's fine." Jaya said giggling.

"Oh yeah true that. Want to go for a walk?" Khushi offered. I nodded almost immediately. 

"Ma! We're going out for a walk yeah?" Khushi called out to which her mom replied back a 'yes' and 'stay safe'.

"Wait I'll be back." Khushi said.

"Me too." I said going to Jaya's room where I was sleeping at along with my mom and Gem. 

As I took my beanie, my shades and a fake moustache to disguise myself, I heard a giggle from the side.

"Trying to dress as Luigi now huh?" Gem said standing by the door.

"Oh shut up. Luigi doesn't wear shades." I said chuckling.

"Harry I'm re- Why are you trying to prove you're masculine?" Khushi said trying her best not to laugh.

"Hey I can't help it if the moustache just doesn't grow! And plus I look good in it, ain't I?" I defended.

"Gosh don't you dare try to grow that for the engagement." Gem said which made me pout.

"You are meannnn." I said playfully which made Gem laugh.

"But on a serious note, I won't do that. I want to look my best for my engagement with the girl I love." I said. Gemma's jaw dropped.

Hold on. Did I just say I LOVE HER?!

"Did you just-" Khushi said with wide eyes.

"He definitely did. My brother fell in loveee." Gem said coming to hug me while all my eyes were just on Khushi who had tears in her eyes.

"That's the first time anyone has told me that." Khushi said crying. I ran to be by her side and she just hugged me. 

"I can't believe I said within just a few months of meeting you but I do mean it. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I said smiling at her.

"You're the best thing that's ever been mine." She said before she hugged me again.

"Let's go now okay?" I said taking her hand and walking to the door.

"Wait I'm unrecognizable right?" I said confirming which made Khushi giggle.

"Sure, Harry. If you think so." She said giggling.

"Okay this moustache is not so good idea then. I'll wear the hoodie and come." I said before she stopped me.

"It's May, stupid. You'll die out of heat even with these on. Forget hoodies." She said slapping her forehead. 

"Okay madam. Let's go."

*3 days later* 

As I smoothed my blazer for the thousandth time, I couldn't help but think of Khushi. 

In just a few hours, she's going to be my fiance. 

One step closer to her. One more step to calling her mine for eternity.

"Harry? Ready?" Gemma asked. I nodded nervously.

I will have to make a good impression to their family. I will right?

As I was seated on stage, I took a deep breath and waited for Khushi to come.

The wait wasn't long. There she was looking gorgeous as ever in her beautiful gown walking towards with me with her sisters by her side. 

She stood by me and at that moment, I wanted to kiss her again. 

"You look beautiful, babe." I said smiling at her sweetly.

"You look handsome yourself, Styles." She said giggling. 

Although this whole thing didn't start with the right intention, now I'm just hopelessly in love with this woman.

"Let's start shall we?" Madhav said to which all agreed to. 

Sheila came with the two rings I had picked for our engagement. The white gold rings with our names engrossed in it. 

Which I thought is so special. 

It was so different to the ones I'm used to where it'll just be the lovers present. This is like the whole family is present while you exchange rings (which we usually do in weddings). 

But it is amazing to think this special moment in our lives is witnessed by so many. Although I'd have wanted a more private setting.

As we took our respective rings from Sheila, we couldn't wipe that ginormous smile from our face. 

We were nervous, yes. But more excited. 

We exchanged our rings while Khushi tried her best not to cry with happiness. 

It's official now. 

We're engaged.

Khushi's POV

*After the ceremony is over* 

"Ma'am, we'd like to take some pictures of just you two please." The photographer said and I internally groaned. 

I was so done with the amount of pictures we had to take today. Harry just smiled politely at the photographer and asked where we had to stand.

Gosh this gorgeous human is mine. We're ENGAGED. 

I can't believe this. 

"Just try to be yourselves. We want to capture that." The photographer said which made me confused but Harry smirk playfully.

"Wanna dance, ma'am?" He said playfully which made my smile grow bigger.

"I would love to, sir." I said playing along.

"There's no music though." I said confused.

"Why do you need music when the singer is right here?" He said chuckling.

"Ohhh where?" I said looking elsewhere.

"Heeeeeyyyyyyy." He said while I laughed.

"Okay ehmm...1..2..3.." 

And any normal person would expect him to serenade me with a beautiful slow song while we dance but what he did was unexpected.

"When I'm fat and old and my kids think I'm a joke" He sang in the most awful sound he could do and I started laughing.

"'Cause I move a little slow when I dance" I sang along while we just danced like maniacs in front of the camera not giving a damn.

Cause this is us.

The childish but a very happy couple.

Happy together.

Author's Note: Ahhh their engagement is over. And as I've been getting a lot of requests asking for Harry's POV there you go!

I actually had so much fun writing this.

Hope you like it :)

All the love, V. xx

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