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*4 years later*

Khushi's POV

"Hey, I'm leaving okay? You sure you'll be able to handle it?" I asked my colleague, Natasha. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You go. It's almost time." She said and I thanked her before I hurriedly left my office.

"Hey! Congratulations on being the lead interior designer!" Sarah, my senior, congratulated me. 

"Thank you, Sarah. I'm in a bit of a rush so I'll talk to you later yeah?" I said and she nodded understandingly.

As I rushed down the stairs, I immediately rushed to the car Harry got me as an anniversary gift. 

I swear this lad spoils me too much.

"Let's go to O2 arena now." I said keeping the location on GPS. 

*A while later*

"Where are you?" I asked on the phone.

"We're at the entra- KHUSHI! HERE!!" Kriti shouted and I mentally face palmed.

Well that was all it took before people started looking in my direction and I immediately tried to blend in with a random group.

"Hey guys." I said and they all were almost about to scream and I shushed them.

"Please don't blow my cover. Can you guys help me get inside without anyone noticing?" I asked and they nodded happily.

"Of course, Nancy Drew." One of them said which made me giggle.

"Creative name! Let's go." I said which made them laugh, slightly embarassed.

*A while later* 

"Thank you so much, guys. I'll be taking your leave now. My friends are waiting." I said smiling at them.

"Can we take a picture before you go?" They asked to which I nodded smiling.

"Have a great time!" I said hugging them before I left to find Kriti.

"Hi!" I said excitedly when I spotted Varun.

"Khushi aunty!" 

The little brunette came and hugged me.

"There's my most favourite girl!" I said hugging her back.

"Ah there you go. I feel like she likes her aunt more than her own mother." Kriti said giggling.

"Of course. I'm the best aunt she'll ever get. Isn't that right, Preethi?" I asked and she nodded which made me smile.

"So did you tell him yet?" Varun asked and I shook my head.

"I was planning to tell him after the show actual-"

The lights went off and just like that our attention turned to the green eyed lad looking as good as he always manages to look.

He's so pretty I want to cry. I thought, quoting Rachel Green from F.R.I.E.N.D.S in my head.

As we danced and screamed our lungs out to the lyrics, deep inside all I felt was nervousness but at the same time excitement. 

You know what? I'll let him know now.

 I slowly took out the paper safely tucked back in my bag and decided to show it on the next song throwing him off guard. 

The next song was 'The Chain' by Fleetwood Mac and I got excited.

"Wait. That paper-"

"Yupp. I'm planning to tell it here." I said and they cheered.

Legally Yours | h.s.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt