Chapter 30: No Going Back

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Bullets whizze past you, narrowly dodging your ear, you push Clem down with all your might towards a tree. She hides behind it while you try to scramble to her. Arvo performs CPR on Natasha. Mike holds his injured shoulder.

Mike: "Shit. I'm hit. I'm hit!"

Bonnie: "Mike, get over here!"

Luke shoots at the Russian Group from behind the cover of a short stone wall. Bonnie and Mike also take cover there.

Luke: "Y/N!"

Buricko crawls along the ground, bleeding and speaking in Russian. Kenny fires his pistol and uses a tree as cover. Vitali hides behind a rock and fires his weapon.

Kenny: "Fuck you! You started this shit!"

You notice the baby lying on the ground.

Y/N: "Clem, I'm gonna get the baby."

Clementine: "O-O-Okay.. I'll cover you." You nod and crawl forward, narrowly avoiding getting shot.

You pick up the baby and hide behind the wall. Deciding that you can make it to the tree if you need to.

Luke: "Holy shit. I didn't even see him out there. Good work, Y/N. Shit. Okay...okay, we gotta do somethin', y'all. We're pinned down here. We can't just...sit here and let this guy take potshots at us 'til he runs outta ammo. We gotta do somethin'."

Y/N: "Just stay're gonna get your head blown off."

Luke: "We can't just sit here."

Kenny: "This don't have to get any worse than it already is! You can just go!"

Vitali: (speaks Russian)

Kenny: "English, motherfucker!"

Vitali: "I kill every one of you!"

Luke: "If I can just get over to that side of the wall, I could maybe get an angle on this guy. Cover me, alright? Just shoot over towards the woods. It'll give him something to think about. Just long enough for me to make it over there."

Y/N: "Yeah, okay."

Luke: "Good. Good."

Luke: "I just need the distraction. Okay? Alright, on my go. Go!"

You shoot at Vitali, and he ducks. Luke starts to move.

Kenny: "Hey! What're you..."

Luke gets shot in the leg while trying to get past the gap.

Bonnie: "Luke, no!"

Kenny kills Buricko by shooting him in the head.

Kenny: "Fuck you!"

Clementine: "Luke! Are you okay?!" You hear her scream from the tree.

Luke: "Well, he got me in the leg, but...I think...I think it went straight though...shit. I don't know. Aarrrgh! I'm gonna be fine...I think I'm gonna be fine." He seemingly answers to you instead of Clem who's behind the tree.

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