Chapter 24: Reunited

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The group walks through the forest.

Luke: "Okay... Look, I hate to ask this, but...are we there yet?" He asks in-between moans holding his right side.

Jane: "We're not far."

Clementine: "Please, Sarah. You've gotta start trying. Or you're not gonna be okay. People won't wanna help you if you aren't trying..."

Sarah: "But...I'm not okay..."

Y/N: "I agree with Clem, Just try. Can you do that?"

Jane: "She just needs a little time. Leave her be for a bit."

Clem and you walk up to Jane.

Jane: "I don't know about this. The way she is... She's gonna cause problems."

Y/N. "What happened in there?" You ask remembering Jane saying she couldn't stay there.

Clementine: "When we went in there you were ready to help, but then...something changed."

Jane: "Look, I'd just... I'd seen that kind of thing before. I just didn't want to stick around for the bitter end. Sorry, I...I don't mean to sound harsh. It's just the way things are."

Y/N: "Does that mean you'd turn on me? On Clem? If either of us was hurt or something?"

Jane: "No... I mean..Y/N...I wouldn't have to."

Jane:"Just because you got her out of there today, doesn't mean you saved her."

Clementine says nothing.

Jane: "Trust me... I tried to save Jaime too. But she...gave up."

Luke: "I just...I can't believe it... Soon as you guys said "go", I was the first one up on the roof. Like I had already made up my mind." Luke decides to change the subject

Jane: "Luke, you can't let it eat away at you."

Luke: "Well, I can't forget it."

Jane: "I dragged my sister across four states. And every morning, she'd say she wasn't getting up. So I'd convince her. Or push her. Or goddamn carry her, if I had to. Until this time... Walkers cornered us. Forced us to the roof. And then when they kept coming...I...I couldn't make her jump. Couldn't throw her. So I tried something else. I told her she could have what she wanted. And I left her there. Jumped to the next building over by myself."

Luke: "You left your sister?"

Y/N: "How could you leave your sister?" If that was Clem and she couldn't make it, we'd die together at least.

Jane: "I don't...I don't know..."

Jane: "It killed me for a long time. But I finally realized that I'd put her on a forced march through hell, when all she really wanted was for me to let her go. Sarah was that way too..."

Luke: "Jane..."

Jane: "No regard for her own safety. Or ours."

Clementine: "Sarah and Jaime aren't the same person. We don't know she'll end up like that."

Jane: "People don't change."

Jane: "Come on. Let's get back to your friends."

The group returns to the others. Mike stands in the doorway to enter parkers run. You all stop around him.

Mike: "Son of a bitch. You found 'em!"

Luke: "Yeah, I'm a little amazed myself, to tell you the truth. If it weren't for Clem, Y/N and Jane, well...I don't know what would've happened."

Rebecca, with the help of Bonnie, approaches the others.

Rebecca: "Sarah. How you doing, hon?"

Rebecca tries to put her hand on Sarah's shoulder, but she shrugs it away.

Rebecca: "That's okay, sweetie. Whenever you're ready, I'm just glad you're here."

Rebecca: "But wait, wait. Where's Nick?"

Luke: "Uh, about we go for a walk for a minute?"

Luke and Rebecca walk a short distance away.

Bonnie: "Let's just give 'em some space. I have something I need to talk to you about, too." Bonnie says to you and Clem who follow her to a broken brick wall.

Bonnie: "I ain't gonna sugarcoat this. That baby's coming even faster than Rebecca's letting on. But I was hoping you might know... Does Luke know anything about babies? Has he, I dunno, mentioned Carlos teaching him anything? Just in case?"

Clementine: "Kenny had a family. He could help. Where is he?" You shrug.

Bonnie: "At this point I'd take anyone who's even been in a delivery room. I don't know anything, Mike sure as hell doesn't, and I don't even know how to ask Jane... Then that just leaves...Kenny."

Bonnie looks over at a nearby tent.

Bonnie: "He brought Sarita in there not long after you left. I don't know if he's...done it yet."

Y/N: "I'll go in there." Clem looks like she was about to disagree but stops.

Bonnie: "Thank you, Y/N. I really do think that might be best."

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