Chapter 14

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"Ready?" I asked Harry as he shoved his suitcase in the trunk of the car with the other boys stuff. He smiled at me a nodded. He pulled me close and took my chin and brought my lips up to his. I was a bit shorter then him so he was practically lifting me up off of the ground an inch or two. I laughed against his lips, a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach that I always got when he did this. 

It had been four days since we had found Harry and I still haven't said a word to Louis, scared he would just yell at me again. We decided to get going today, since X factor auditions would be in two days.

I pulled away and smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"Time to leave" I told him. I turned around to face his house, my arms still wrapped around his neck as I leaned on his chest for support as we both stared at his house.

"I'm gonna miss Chesire" He told me. I smiled and looked up at him, he continued to stare at the house, not noticing my stare.

"Harry Styles" I said out loud. He looked down at me smiling.

"What?" He asked. I shook my head, refusing to tell him.

"No! What?" He asked me again. I let go of him and started to walk toward the car him and I would be driving in, since we couldn't fit everyone in Louis' car. 

"I just can't believe I'm dating Harry Styles" I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. I looked up at him blushing, embarrassed that I had told him. He smiled and walked over to me. Pushing me against the side of the car, his arms at both sides of me, leaving me no where to go, not that I would ever want to run away. He leaned down and kissed my nose, I giggled and he laughed.

"I love you" He whispered into my ear. I looked at him, shocked.

"Harry, I'ts been five days" I told him. He smiled and shrugged.

"I love you" He said again. I smiled and pulled him closer to me, to the point where he was practically on top of me. 

"I love you too" I told him.

"Are you two ready?" Liam asked us. Harry jumped away from me, startled. I blushed yet again and looked at Liam who was laughing at Harry's reaction.

"Yea, were ready" I told him. Before Liam went back inside to get the other boys I ran after him up the steps.

"Liam, is-is Louis okay?" I whispered to him.

I wasn't hiding anything from Harry. I had told him everything the same day Louis and me got into an argument.  At first he was upset about it, but sooner ot later he got over it. I wanted to be with Harry,  he made me happy and I wasn't holding him back from anything.

I know I should tell Louis why I can't be with him but I promised myself that I wouldn't tell them anything that would happen in the future. I felt as though by telling them what would happen then I was ruining it. It would be like knowing who you were going to marry, yea you want to know but you would never look at that person the same.

"Ariel, he's upset. He's not happy about the argument but he doesn't wanna talk to you" Liam told me. I nodded and sighed, understanding Louis' point of view.

"Okay well, me and Harry are gonna start heading up there okay?" I told him. Liam nodded looked over at Harry.

"Bye Hazza!" Liam yelled over to him as Harry started to get into the car.

"Bye!" Harry called back. I gave Liam a quick hug before he went inside and I ran down the steps and got into the car.

"Let's go get you on X Factor" I told Harry. He pulled out of the drive way, and when we were about to drive away, out came the rest of the boys. I locked eyes with Louis and I couldn't help but see the sadness in his eyes as we drove farther and farther away from him.

Not a very long chapter but very romantic right? I know someone commented that she should just tell Louis the truth so I put why she can't in this chapter(: 

I LOVE ALL YOUR COMMENTS! They're so helpful for when I'mm writing the next chapter because I love to read your feedback so please keep it coming(: I'm very excited about this story guys(: 

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