Chapter 10

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Hey there beauties. Well, I was looking at my last chapter and saw that the end of it was all jumbled together? Sorry about that, don't know why that happened. I think it was because I copied and pasted the lyrics into the chapter. Probably. Well, I won't do that again...

Also! No one answered my bonus question, which made me sad. :( Well, I guess I should start the chapter now shouldn't I? I guess I will :p

I've never been the one to fall hard for someone. I just never felt the butterflies in my stomach around a special boy, I guess you could say I was too busy focusing on things that mattered more. I mean, I had crushes on some I guess, but those faded just like anything would that is left untouched. I guess you could say I was scared, or I just didn't feel like being in a relationship at the time. 

All that has changed now. 

Louis, Louis Tomlinson. The boy I had fallen for even though, I'm not the girl he needs to be with. I'm not the one for him. Eleanor is.

"ARIEL!" Zayn yelled in my ear. I jumped and looked at him, angry that he interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes Zayn!?" I asked. He smiled.

"Louis needs the address" He told me, gesturing to Louis, Liam laughed at my expression. I sighed. 

"Just drive to the nearest airport. We're going to Mullingar, Ireland" I told him. He looked at me confused.

"But what about Harry? Doesn't he live in England?" Louis asked me. I glared at him, and he laughed. 

"Harry is going to be the last one we get" I told them. Louis nodded, not asking any more questions.  He started to drive down the highway and I turned to face Liam. He smiled at me, he was so friendly. No wonder they called him daddy direction. 

"Daddy direction, will you switch spots with me?" 

"Who's daddy direction?" He asked me. I laughed.

"You! Or well, that's what your fans will call you because you're the responsible one. Now switch with me!" I told him. He nodded and un buckled his seat and I threw myself at Zayn, landing on him and getting out of Liam's way so he could climb into the front seat. I smiled at Zayn an he playfully glared back at me, pretending to be mad that I fell on him. 

"It's not like I'm driving or anything" Louis muttered, we all laughed as he continued down the highway. 


"Flight 164 is now boarding" I male voice said over the intercom. I sat up on the cool metal seats I had laid down on while I waited for them to call us. 

"Come on guys" I said to Liam, Zayn and Louis. They got up off the floor, since I refused to share any of the chairs, and followed me to the entrance.

"That floor messed up my hair" Zayn said, glaring at me. I smiled, staring at his short hair, remembering it from X factor.

"What hair?" I said joking and sticking my tongue out at him. Everyone laughed at that. 

I realized how different they all looked. Liam, with his extremely long straight hair. Louis, his hair blocking his gorgeous eyes. And lastly Zayn, with his short hair and pack of cigarettes always in his back pocket. 

I just shook my head and turned around stepping on the plane and looking for my seat. When I found it I put my stuff in the compartment above the seat.

"Well, hello flying buddy" I head Louis say behind me. I smiled at him and sat down on the window seat and looked out the window. Louis sat down and I turned to face him and I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer. I leaned towards him and kissed him right on the lips. I immediately regretted it but I didn't say anything. When I pulled away Louis just smiled at me, I put my head on his shoulder, pressing myself into his body. 

This wasn't going to go down well. 

Bonus question

Why did Liam and Danielle break up?

First right answer gets a dedication.

The Boys Who Never Existed (One Direction Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin