Chapter 35

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You could say housekeeping wasn't happy about the mess Niall and I had made. I know this because they kicked us out. 

Me and Niall walked out of the hotel and into the parking lot with are suitcases. 

"You took the shampoos right?" He asked me. I nodded and laughed. 

"Did you take the conditioners?" He nodded and we both began to laugh. 

It was nice out but it wasn't like we could just sit here and do nothing. I was pretty sure the hotel security would kick us out. Even if it was Niall Horan.

"So where do we go now?" I asked him. He stood there thinking for a second before turning to look at me. He had a huge smile on his face and I knew I should be nervous about this. 

"We're going to introduce you to my parents" 


The cab driver stopped in front of Niall's house and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. He looked down at me and smiled, thinking I was excited when really, I was insanely nervous. 

"Come on" He said, taking my hand and dragging me out of the cab. He grabbed the bags as I paid the driver. When the cab drove away Niall and I made our way up the front steps and he opened the door leading into his living room. 

He lived in a nice house, a good size a-

I rushed out of the room and saw the door leading to the bathroom. I ran in and started vomiting into the toilet. I heard Niall run in behind me. He knelt down next to me and held my hair back, but then before I could thank him everything went black. 

I woke up later in a hospital bed, with Niall and his family sitting in my room. I sat up but found it harder than I expected, my whole body hurt. 

"Well didn't I make a hell of a first impression" I joked, everyone turned to look at me and they gave weak smiles. They were worried about me. 

"What happened" I asked who was most likely Niall's mom. 

"We're not sure yet, Niall's with the doctor right now, he should be back any minute" She told me. I nodded and when the door opened I saw Niall walk in with the doctor. 

Niall's eyes were red and puffy, he had obviously been crying. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He walked over to me and kneeled down next to the bed and took my hands in his. 

"You have cancer"

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