Chapter 33

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"Niall, that is not a ride. That is a death trap" I told him as he tried to convince me to go on the jurrasic park ride. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head at me. 

"It is a water ride that drops 84 feet, I'm not going on that thing. Ever" I continued, the ride looked terrifying. A water ride was not supposed to drop 84 feet, it just doesn't make sense. 

"Just once, you will never have to do it again! Just do it for me!" He begged, I was about to say no when he spoke again,

"Chicken." He coughed the word trying to make it like he hadn't said it. My jaw dropped and i let out a laugh and stood up next to him. 

"I am not a chicken Niall Horan." I told him. He shrugged at our eyes met.

"Prove it" I grabbed him and started dragging him towards the ride,.

"Let's go Niall, I have a ride to go on"

We didn't wait in line at all because Niall had bought those passes that let you get right on the ride. Usually I would be thankful for something like this, but right now I wish we could wait in the two hour long line. 

Me and Niall slipped into our seats, Niall, being the considerate boy he was decided that since I was so brave we could sit in the front. The seats behind us began to fill and in a matter of seconds the brakes were gone and we started up a small hill, water splashed around the boat and I wiped the water off from my shoulder. I was regretting getting on this ride. The ride jerked to the right in one rugged motion and my body hit the side of the boat. We were surrounded by fake trees and fog started to come up from the sides of the river and I could hear an automatic roar and I jumped, clinging to Niall. 

"You okay?" He asked me. I shook my head into his shoulder and I could feel him shake a little from laughter and I couldn't help but smile from how he found my fear funny. 

"You're mean" I told him. 

I heard a man talking through the speakers of the ride but I was too busy watching the big wooden doors of Jurassic park begin to open. I let go of Niall, trying to make it seem like I was brave even though I just wanted to hold him tighter.

More dinosaur noises.

More robot man voices coming from a speaker. 

I really don't want to be here.

As we floated through the doors I saw a dinosaur head sway between two of the trees about fifty feet in front of us, I looked at it terrified. 

"Don't worry, those don't eat meat. And you know, it's fake" Niall teased. I glared up at him as we came closer to the dino. We passed him and started toward a small water fall and I jumped when I heard a growl kind of sound from yet another dinosaur on my right, 

"That one eats meat" Niall whispered into my ear. I shook my head at him. 

"Thanks Niall, I'll make sure I call you when I need some comfort" He laughed.

 We passed a couple more dinosaurs and I eyed them with hatred but they still growled at me, which just made me even more frightened and mad. Not that it was the robots fault, it's not their fault they were made for evil.

Oh yea, then a dinosaur jumped out of the water in front of us and I screamed. 

You know, the usual. 

Then the trees shook. 

There was a building and I didn't know what it was.

An over turned boat that scared me and told me something was coming.

There were a lot of danger signs

The voice on the speaker said 'we have to get these people out here'


"Thank you Niall for ending my life" 

"No problem"

"No NO NO." I said as I saw a dark tunnel coming up ahead of us. 

"I don't want to go in the dark" I told him, turning to look at him. He smiled and took my hand in his. I gave him a weak smile and looked ahead as we went into the dark. And then we started to go up hill, and I knew the drop was coming. I was drenched with water at this point and I was shaking, I told myself I was just cold but I knew the truth. It was still dark but there were red flashing lights and then there were more roars.

And then there was a T-Rex in front of us and it wanted to eat me. 

"I can't do this, I can't Niall" I said to him. He looked down at me and just stared at me. 

"Look at me, just look at me" He whispered to me. I nodded and didn't look away from his eyes. I felt the ride fall down the hill and water was raining all over us and I could help but pull myself up and press my lips onto Niall while it was still dark. 

I knew I had taken him by surprised and at first he didn't do anything and it scared me but then he started to kiss me back. 

And it was amazing.

Ahhh it took me a couple hours to write this but it was so worth it. 

What do you think? 


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