Chapter 34

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I have two accounts on here, one for fanfictions and one for teen-fictions and it's so hard to choose what to update first! Also, I just moved into a new house with my mom and sister and will be going back and forth between my mom and dad because of the divorce, not that I'm complaining, I'm pretty sure change is good for the creative process? I'll have to look that up! Comment something that makes you creative at the end of this chapter and if I like your idea I'll follow you and give you some votes! Same thing if you vote for this chapter!!

I really do love writing this.

"Favorite movie?" I asked him. 

"Grease" He said nodding his head. We sat on the couch, Niall's arm propped up on the back of it. My head rested on his lap. I looked up at him and smiled. 

"I've never seen it" I told him. 

I wish I could explain to you the look of horror on his face. 

"You've never seen Grease?" He asked me. I shook my head, still smiling. I sat up next to him as he got up and ran over to his bags in the other room. When he came running back out he had a DVD in his hands. He looked back at me and must have seen my confused look. 

"I always have a copy of it with me" I laughed as he popped in the film and sat back down next to me. 

"You never stop surprising me Niall Horan." 


When the screen went black I felt Niall turn to look at me and I couldn't help but smile nervously, knowing he wouldn't like what I had to say. 

"Oh no" He said, knowing this wasn't going to be good. I turned to look at him. 

"It was okay, I just think it's kind of unrealistic, you don't see people burst into song in the middle of school and everyone just so happens to know the words you know?" I asked him, even though I kenw he didn't know that. 

Suddenly he was up on his feet, running into the kitchen. I stood up quickly and hid behind the couch, knowing he was up to something. 

Then I heard Niall singing the Jaws song. 

"Du du du du du du du du dun du du..." He kept going and I had to hold back my laughter because I could hear him getting closer. 

That's when I felt something cold hit me in the face. My mouth hung open in surprise and I saw Nial laughing in front of me. I put my finger to my face and then looked at it. 

Chocolate sauce. 

"Oh, you wanna fight Niall Horan? Let's go!" I yelled, getting up and sprinting into the kitchen while Niall tried to hit me again. I opened the fridge and grabbed whipped cream and shook it quickly, ripping off the cap and preparing for battle. 

It was quiet, too quiet. I crouched behind the counter and had the can out ready to fire. 

I decided that I couldn't stay there any longer and ran out into the living room, and saw no one. I had my back to the wall and looked around the whole room, still seeing nothing, I slowly climbed the stairs but stopped when I saw a flash of movement come from the bathroom. 

The Niall ran out from the bathroom covering me in chocolate, I sprayed him back with whipped cream and we both fell down on the floor next to each other. 

"We are going to be in so much trouble" I whispered to him laughing. I looked around the room that was now covered in chocolate sauce and whip cream. He laughed too. 

"Whatever, I'll pay for it" He told me, I felt him grab my hand and I could feel myself blush a little bit. I felt him turn to look at me and I did the same. 

"Earlier, at the park, did you mean it when you kissed me?" He asked me. I looked into his big blue eyes already knowing the answer. 

"Yea, I did" I told him. I brought my forehead to his and looked into his eyes and smiled. He smiled back at me before leaning in to kiss me. 

"Housekeeping!" Someone called from the front door. We both laughed against each other's lips

Well, I hoped you like it! Remember, comment a way to get creative and vote and I will follow and vote for some of your stories if I like your idea! 

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