Chapter 3

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"Kick my seat one more time, I dare you" I snapped at the teenage boy sitting behind me on the plane. He had been kicking my seat to the beat of his music even though he was wearing his ear buds, I could hear clearly from here. He rolled his eyes at me but thankfully stopped.

I turned to face the chair in front of me and sighed, feeling way too stiff and uncomfortable from being on this plane for almost six hours.

"We will be landing in about five minutes, please make sure your seat belts are fastened securely" A woman's voice said over the intercom. I buckled my seat belt and looked out the window as the plane began to descend.

How was I going to do this? I had no idea where he actually lived or where I was going. I was pretty much just going on instinct, and right now, my instinct was telling me to go back home, but I knew that wasn't an option. I took a deep breath, trying to center my thoughts on the journey in front of me. Even though I was terrified.

"The plane has now landed, you may step off and go into the airport" The same female voice told everyone on the plane. I stood up and followed the woman who sat next to me out of the plane after grabbing my carry on and over to where my luggage should be. I waited as the bags went along the long conveyor belt. When I saw my bag I walked over and grabbed it and exited the airport.

First thing to do, I was guessing, was to find somewhere to stay. I looked at the little brochure a lady had given me when I walked into the airport and scanned it for cheap hotels. I found a reasonable one and looked at the address.

I started to walk down the street feeling so out of place. The people that walked past me looked so different from the people in America. Yes, there were some weird people that looked a little suspicious just like home but, nowhere's perfect right? I saw a double decker bus stopped at a stop and ran over and got on, handing the man the money and joining the people sitting down. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad here.


I left the hotel after putting my stuff into my room and checking in. I now only had fifty dollars with me and my phone, with the rest of my money and things in the room. I walked into little store that sold alot of random things. I walked up to the woman at the register as she was writing something down and turned to look at me.

"Can I help you?" She asked me smiling. I smiled back.

"Yea, do you know someone named Louis Tomlinson and where he lives.. I'm um a friend of his" I told her. She nodded, I wasn't sure if she believed me though.

"Oh, that's nice! Here, let me give you his address, it's so nice that he found a friend. He's been struggling at school late- oops, I shouldn't have said that" She stopped mid sentence. Louis was having a hard time at school? But why? He was so nice and lovable. I smiled awkwardly at the woman not sure what to say. She just smiled back, most likely too nice to say something about how my smile looked like a retarded squirrel. She handed me the paper and I thanked her and walked out of the store feeling weirder than when I had when I walked in. I took out my phone and put the address into the GPS app I had gotten and started heading in the direction it told me to.

It led me to a house that was painted a light blue with white shutters and for some reason just looking at it made me nervous. I was about to meet Louis Tomlinson. The Louis Tomlinson. My friends would never believe me. Wait, no they wouldn't believe me, no one would ever believe that I woke up and one of the most popular boy bands in the world went missing. Who would believe that?

I sighed before walking up to the door and knocking on the door. I waited a couple seconds before the door began to open.

In front of me was Louis Tomlinson. But before I could get any words out he frowned.

"If you're here to make fun of me, the other kids already stopped by earlier"

What do you think!?!?! Comment below!(:

The Boys Who Never Existed (One Direction Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin