Chapter 9

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Liam smiled at me once again before closing the door behind him and stepping outside. I smiled back at him.

"I'm Ariel, and this is Louis and Zayn" I said gesturing to myself then the boys. Liam smiled at them and they smiled back.

"I'm Liam" He told me stretching out his hand, which I shook.

"I know" I said awkwardly. I turned to Zayn and Louis for another sarcastic comment before I dropped the bomb.

"Is this ever going to be easy to explain?" I asked them. They both gave a little laugh before I turned back around and faced Liam, who looked confused at our conversation. I just smiled and laughed.

"Liam, you're part of a band named One Direction. For some reason, one day when I woke up it was as if you never existed and the band was gone. When I looked everywhere for you and still found nothing I knew I had to find all of you. Zayn and Louis are also part of the band and the other two members we're going to find but we need you too.' I told him. I searched his eyes for any sign of anything, waiting for what he had to say.

"Prove it" He told me. I wasn't sure if he was just surprised of if he didn't believe me, but before I could say anything Louis jumped in front of me.

"Listen! She came all the way to help-" I cut him off.

"Louis, stop" I told him. He looked back at me but I dropped my gaze. Still refusing to make any eye contact with him. When he had walked back over to Zayn behind me I met Liam's eyes.

"I can prove it, by singing you and playing one of your songs. Do you have a piano or guitar?" I asked him. He nodded and gestured us to follow him inside.

I turned back to Zayn and Louis who just stood there not sure what to do. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on boys" I told them. They both gave me a stupid smile before we piled into the house and followed Liam into the living room where a piano sat.

"My parents aren't home" Liam said, you could tell he felt guilty knowing he wasn't supposed to let strangers in. I gave him a weak smile before siting on the piano bench.

I took a deep breath and played a couple chords and notes and warmed up before I started to play.

"I'm broken, do you hear me?

I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see,

I'm dancin' alone, I'm praying,

That your heart will just turn around,

And as I walk up to your door,

My head turns to face the floor,

'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,

It just won't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he lays you down,

I might just die inside,

It just don't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this,

Can love you more than this

If I'm louder, would you see me?

Would you lay down

In my arms and rescue me?

'Cause we are the same

You save me,

When you leave it's gone again,

And when I see you on the street,

In his arms, I get weak,

My body fails, I'm on my knees,


When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,

It just won't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he lays you down,

I might just die inside,

It just don't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

I've never had the words to say,

But now I'm askin' you to stay

For a little while inside my arms,

And as you close your eyes tonight,

I pray that you will see the light,

That's shining from the stars above,

(And I say)

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,

It just won't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down,

I might just die inside,

It just don't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,

It just won't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down,

I might just die inside,

It just don't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this,

Can love you more than this"

I stopped and played the last chord and turned to face Liam who sat there his mouth hanging open. He turned to look at me, all of them did. "It sounds.." Started Liam "So familiar" Louis finished for him. Zayn nodded his head slowly still looking at me. I furrowed my eyes brows. "Really?" I asked them. They nodded and Liam opened his mouth to begin to say something. "I'll come" He told me. I smiled and nodded. "We're leaving tomorrow. By then you need to say goodbye, pack and get money. You're going on X factor" I told him. His face went pail at the sound of X factor. "X factor?" He asked terrified. "I know what you're thinking, But you're going to do fine this time, I promise" I told him. He nodded believing me. I smiled and looked at the three boys. I knew I would be able to get them, but one of the boys we hadn't seen yet was worrying me. I knew he wouldn't be easy.

Ahhh what did you think? Comment and vote! Bonus question!!!!!!!!!!

If Zayn had one super power what would it be? First right answer gets a dedication!

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