Chapter 20

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So I found my creative energy source, the thing to help my get creative and writing. It's carbs. Isn't that horrible? Haha, but whatever works right? Eating Pasta for now(: Italian food is by far the best. Ever. Pasta, Pizza, Yes please. Also, since I got my braces off like two months ago I have to wear this stupid retainer and that DOES NOT help me get creative, it's such a distraction. It's like where there is peanut butter on the roof of your mouth, you can't just leave it there! You need it to go away! This is my creative process.

I watched the boys faces drop as the judges told them and the rest of the lot that they weren't going through to the next round. I saw tears come from their eyes as the left the room and the judges leaned back in there chairs as if they were uncomfortable with their decisions. 

Lets hope things would turn on right. 

The camera followed the people who had been voted out and they showed the boys one by one crying. Liam, his face red and puffy just kept turning from the camera trying to not let the tears show. Harry just kept shaking his head as he walked with his mum. 

Did I just say mum? I've been spending way too much time with these boys..

Niall shoved his head into his sweatshirt ashamed of himself and Louis and Zayn were just quiet but they still had tears. As they walked away the were stopped by camera men and back stage workers and were told to go back on the stage. They looked at them confused as if it was some kind of joke but did as they were told knowing something was up. 

As they took their places on stage they looked at each other skeptically, pretending to not notice who each others were, because the judges needed to believe they didn't know of each other is this was to work. Beside them were a group of girls in there late teens that would obviously be formed into Little Mix. I saw Zayn look over at the girls, his eyes stopped for a quick second on Perrie as if he saw something he liked. YEAH HE DID. 

Part of me wished that I could just reach through the screen and push them together but the other part of me knew it had to happen gradually and not on purpose. 

The judges looked them over as if making sure there decision was a good one, knowing afer this they can't go back. 

I sat on that couch, staring at the TV waiting and waiting for them to tell them the news they didn't know what coming. This is the moment that would change everything. This is when the world changes and the fandoms come together. It's when all the directioners start waiting in lines for days just to see the boys that changed their lives. Girls will be in music stores everywhere buying their CD's and Itunes will be over loaded because there will be so many people trying to buy there music all at once. 

This is when the world will be taken over by a boy band from X Factor.

"We made a big decision sending so many of you home" Simon started to say as he glanced at each and everyone of the boys and girls. He ran his hand over his hair, not able to contain the secret any longer. 

"And we called you back to tell you that...we making you into two separate groups and you will be moving on in the X factor. Good job guys" He told them. 

The boys faces were priceless, as if the advice I had given to them to remember it's not over yet made sense all the sudden. I saw them all hug each other before Liam turned to look in the camera, knowing I was watching and threw both his hands up in the air. 

I couldn't stop smiling, I couldn't contain all the happiness inside me. I knew how happy they were and I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it tonight when I saw them. They would be mad at first that I didn't tell them that they got thrown off but they would be so happy to know that like I had said, It wasn't the end. 

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