Chapter 30

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I got off the plane in Doncaster, running my hands through my hair that wa extremely messy. I stopped at a little cafe to grab a coffee before heading out of the airport and into the cold. I didn't have to pick up any luggage because i didn't have much with me, just enough stuff to take as a carry-on. The concert was going to be today at seven, it was noon now and I knew if I got to the arena they were playing at then Paul would have to recognize me and let me in. Hopefully. 

I stopped a taxi and got in quickly, 

"To the arena" I told the man driving. He smiled back at me, 

"Going to the One Direction concert I see?" He asked me. I looked down and realized I was wearing the tour shirt from the gift shop in the hotel. I smiled back.

"Yea, something like that" I told him

When he pulled up to the arena I handed him a twenty and told him to keep the change. He thanked me and I quickly got out of the car, rushing into the arena. I squeezed through all the crazy fans, who were probably going to try to sneak into the concert just like I was, and somehow found my way to the front of the crowd. 

I saw Paul standing by one of the doors, and knew I had tog et his attention.

But how do you do that when there are hundreds of screaming girls around you? 

"PAUL!" I yelled, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to hear me, I tried again and got the same reaction, nothing. 

Then, I had an idea. 

I quickly un-tied my shoe, and then threw it at him, hitting him on the side of the head. He turned to look in my direction and I waved my arms crazily at him, like a mad sim. 

His eyes went big when he saw me and he quickly ran over to me. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He yelled to me, the girls around me going crazy at the fact that he was talking to me. 

"I NEED TO SEE THEM!" I yelled back. He nodded. trying to undo the part of the metal fence that kept me and the other girls from piling into the arena.


I hate you.

Paul gave up on trying to undo the fence and picked me up over the fence so I was on the same side as he was now. I sighed in relief and thanked him quickly before I ran into the arena. I could only imagine how horrible I looked, red puffy and sweaty from all the running I did and all the screaming girls made my ears pop. 

I ran down the stairs and towards the empty stage. I almost tripped over some of the chairs that were set up for the floor seats. 

I stopped running, trying to catch my breath and I heard someone's footsteps start on the stage. I looked up and saw Liam, looking at me, his eyes big and getting watery.

"Ariel, you're okay!" He said, I ran up onto the stage and jumped on top of him, so happy to see a familiar face that recognized me. 

When I let go of him my face got serious.

"Where is he?" I asked him, and by the look of his face he knew exactly who I was talking about. 

"Back stage" Liam said, pointed back to the door he must of came out of. 

"Thank Liam, I really missed you" I told him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before running back stage. 

And that's when I saw him. 

"Ariel!?" He said when he met my eyes. I ran up to him, and pressed my lips to his, finally being able to enjoy kissing him without having to worry about anything else. 

It was Louis, it was always Louis. 

He pulled away from me. I met his eyes, he shook his head, his eyes watery. 

"No. no, no no no, no" I whispered. He nodded. 

"I love her Ariel, you were right. I love her so much it hurts. I-I-I can't be with you" He told me. I felt a tear run down my cheek. He was saying something, but I wasn't listening, I could hear his voice but now what he was saying. 

I turned around and walked out from back stage and made my way back to the stage, Liam wasn't there now so I kept walking until I was back to Paul. He looked at me but I didn't meet his eyes, I hopped over the fence and into the crowd of fans who screamed and screamed when they saw me, asking me questions and asking for autographs but I just kept walking until I was out of the crowd. 

I continued to walk down the road, my tears falling harder now. 

You're probably wondering why I chose Louis, and not Niall, but I don't even know the answer to that question. You're wondering why I chose now to want to be with Louis, but I guess after you truly believe you've lost someone you've loved all along, you see how horrible life is without them and realize you have to have them. 

So yea, that was the last time I saw them. And I hope after reading this story you remember one thing. Before Eleanor there was me, who loved Louis just as much, or maybe even more. And even though I might not be with him, he will always have a part of my heart, 


 If you liked this check out me fanfictions 'Falling for the Impossible' which has gotten over 40,000 views or my latest fanfiction 'He Hates Me He Hates Me Not'

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