JIN: Thinking You Want To Break Up

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thinking you want to break up

Jin peered at you over his laptop, feeling his heart sink when he noticed you were busy typing away on your laptop. He nudged your foot with his underneath the table to gain your attention and light up the gloomy mood but you only huffed in annoyance, pulling your feet away. Jin frowned, seeing your reaction. He felt hurt you weren't interacting as usual with him. You seemed so distant and almost emotionally cold towards him. In the beginning he only thought you were stressed because of university but as weeks passed, a deep fear grew inside of him. He feared you wanted to break up with him. This was something that was unimaginable to him but yet very unsettling. He was suffering a lot, living in a constant state of distress and anxiety.

He couldn't imagine a life without you but he also couldn't imagine a life where you were still together but you were acting cold towards him all the time. He was a warm person, a goofy person. He craved for a playful and touchy relationship, which you guys used to have. You were always laughing at his lame dad jokes, cuddling with him in weird positions, which made you both giggle and spending time together often doing whatever. It was so natural and fun. But since a few weeks all of what you used to do became rarities.

Shutting his laptop, Jin looked at you.

"Babe?" he carefully asked. Now his every move around you was hesitant.

"Hmm?" you groaned, clearly annoyed at getting distracted.

"I am hungry. You must be hungry too. What should I cook for us, hmm? What do you crave?" he asked, trying to sound enthusiastic. If he showered you with love and affection, you would surely soften up again eventually right?

"I am not hungry. Cook whatever" you shortly replied, cutting him off. Jin's face dropped, and he felt a sting in his heart.

"Jagiya" he softly chuckled, trying to act unaffected, "You are always hungry. Let's have dinner together."

"Jin" you said in a sharp tone, meeting his eyes, "I am not hungry. You go make yourself something to eat, I need to catch up on work."

"Okay..." he gave up, your cold eyes giving him the chills. This wasn't his warm and bubbly girlfriend that he adored, who was this person?

Jin had lost his appetite. He opted for a can of beer and went upstairs to your bedroom.

It was approaching midnight when you finally came upstairs too. Jin was in bed by then, tossing and turning, wondering when you would be coming. Instinctively his heart began to beat faster as he saw you entering the room. He had missed your touch so much, his whole body was itching to just hold you in his warm embrace. He was hoping to reawaken your feelings for him. He knew you loved sleeping cuddled up to his chest.

You didn't even glance at him, as you casually stripped off your clothes putting on your pajamas. Jin silently watched you, feeling his heart break over and over. When was the last time he had gotten to caress your soft skin? He had missed the feeling of your bare skin against his. You hadn't slept with each other for more than a month now, and he was yearning to feel that intimate connectedness with you again. To see your tired but yet glowing face afterwards as you collapsed into his arms. He missed his y/n so much, it was emotionally scarring him.

Turning off the lights, you climbed into bed, your back turned to him. Jin's hand raised as he was about to sneak his arm around your waist and pull you into his chest, but he froze.

There was this invisible wall between you now that kept him at bay. He didn't have the courage to reach out to you, afraid of rejection. His heart wouldn't be able to take it if you were to push him away. So he pulled back his hand and stared at your back, hoping you would turn to him. But you didn't. Jin's eyes watered and a tear escaped his eye. The longer he waited, the more it hurt.

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