TAEHYUNG: When his butt hurts

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when his butt hurts

You hadn't seen your boyfriend Taehyung for a whole week because he was on a trip to New Zealand for Bon Voyage season 4. He was texting or calling you at night before he went to bed, telling you how much he wished you were there with him. The boys were all mesmerized by the beautiful nature in New Zealand, gushing about how awesome the landscape was.

You were waiting at the airport for your boyfriend to arrive. It was really early in the morning and you were quite tired because you didn't get to sleep much. Impatiently you kept watching out for him. He had texted you that they had already landed.

Your boyfriend was the quicker one to spot the other, so that you were surprised when you heard him scream your name through the airport, making some heads turn. Darting through the small gap between Hoseok and Yoongi, he ran towards you, jumping into your arms. You almost fell over from the impact, as he wrapped his arms around your neck and legs around your waist.

"Gosh, Tae" you chuckled, trying to hold up his weight.

"Baby, I missed you so so much" he said, planting kisses all over your face. He was slowly slipping down, so that you wrapped your arms around his butt to support him. All of a sudden he cried out in pain, stiffening.

"What ? What happened ?" you asked, concerned.

"Taehyung get off of her, you are too heavy" Yoongi scolded Taehyung, seeing you struggle. "Hi (Y/N)" he then said, "We brought back your big cry baby. I am so glad that I don't have to take care of him anymore."

"Heeey" Taehyung said in protest, getting off of you.

"Ahhh (Y/N), I feel so relieved to see you" Namjoon told you, "We had to share a bed together, and he kept trying to hug me, claiming that he can't fall asleep without holding you so he needs to hug something else which unfortunately had to be me. I kept swatting his hand away, but he wouldn't give up."

Taehyung hit Namjoon on the arm.

"You are so mean, you didn't help out a friend in need" he complained and Namjoon scoffed.

"Yo, I was nearly sexually assaulted by you" Namjoon exclaimed, making Taehyung hit him once again. The boys were all laughing, including you.

"He also got bruises on his butt from horseback riding and made me massage his butt because of it" Jimin told you.

"Ahh," you exclaimed, "That's why" you said, now understanding why he had yelped in pain a few seconds ago as you touched his butt.

"Baby, it hurts so much" Taehyung whined, turning back to you.

"Oh and (Y/N), he also-" Jin began to say when Taehyung ran up to him and put his hand on his mouth so that he couldn't finish his sentence.

"What kind of friends are you all, complaining to my girlfriend about me ? I am not a baby you know" Taehyung said.

"Oh yes, you are !" Jungkook responded.

"Pffft" Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Come on (Y/N), let's go home. I have had enough."

"Is our big baby upset ?" Namjoon teased, making the boys cackle.

"Aisssh, stop making fun of my boyfriend" you scolded them, which made Taehyung grin in satisfaction.

"You are only jealous that I have a girlfriend who takes care of me and puts up with all my whining. Bet you won't find someone who will do the same for you, because you all are unbearably annoying" your boyfriend spat, childishly sticking out his tongue at them. They were always like this, nagging each other playfully non-stop.

"Yaah, if you were able to find a girlfriend then our chances are pretty fucking high" Yoongi said and Taehyung's eyes turned into slits as he shot daggers his way.

"Okay, I see it's time for us to leave" you quickly interrupted, grabbing your boyfriend's hand and intertwining your fingers. "Rest well guys, see you tomorrow."

You said your goodbyes and finally left the airport. On your ride back home, Taehyung showed you the pictures that he took on his trip and told you about all the things they had done. He seemed truly happy and relaxed. You knew how precious such quality time with the boys was for him so you were really happy that he had enjoyed himself. As he was showing you a video of the night sky, he heaved a sigh.

"I wanted you next to me so bad that night" he said, looking at you, "The stars were so pretty (Y/N). I really wanted to share that beautiful moment with you. I wanted to watch the stars with you."

Gently stroking his face, you gave his lips a lingering peck.

"Thank you for never forgetting about me even in moments like these" you genuinely told him, making him smile that boxy smile of his.

"You are always on my mind" he said and leaned in to kiss you quickly.

Once you arrived home it was nearly 6 am in the morning. Taehyung set down his suitcase in the hallway and left it there, turning to you and grabbing your hand.

"Let's go to bed babe" he said, pulling you after him as he went up the stairs. You were also exhausted so you didn't complain at all. In your shared bedroom, Taehyung immediately let himself fall onto your bed.

"Ahhh, finally our warm comfy bed" he smiled from ear to ear, burying his face into your pillow.

"I am going to take your pillow with me next time" he told you, making you giggle.

"Why ?"

"Then I won't depend on anyone to help me sleep. I will just hug your pillow and sleep with your scent in my nose" he mumbled into your pillow, which made your heart melt.

"Let me help you" you said, as you took off his shoes and jacket. Taehyung certainly loved being babied by you. He loved you doing things for him and taking care of him. Once the both of you had finally changed into your pajamas, you climbed into bed. Taehyung suddenly yelped in pain as he turned to his side.

"How bad is it ?" you asked him.

"It's so bad, my whole butt is blue, baby" Taehyung whined, as he laid on his stomach so that his butt wasn't touching the mattress anymore. "Just look at it, it's painful."

Pulling down the duvet off him, you sat up in bed and pulled down his pants to take a look.

"Ouch" you exclaimed, pouting, "Tae, you have so many bruises."

"I know, right ? It hurts so much" he muttered.

The dark purple bruises contrasted with his pale skin color.

"Wait, let me see if I can find a soothing lotion or something" you told him, before you headed to the bathroom. Returning with a lotion that you thought might be of help, you applied it on his bruises.

"Aishhh that's so cold" he hissed and you laughed.

"You really are a baby" you said and Taehyung turned his head to you in an instant, shooting you a dangerous look.

"So what ?" he spat, "I am your baby and you need to take care of me."

Pulling up his pants again, you put away the lotion and crawled into bed again. Snuggling to his side, he lifted his arm and put it over your shoulder. He was still laying on his stomach, but facing you.

"I love you, you are my baby bear" you said, nuzzling your nose against his.

"I love you more" he said, placing a sweet kiss on your lips.

*A/N   yah, if you get the reference, i love you 

follow my imagine page on Instagram at moonchild_starrynight :)

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