TAEHYUNG - Partners in crime

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partners in crime

When you opened your door at night after hearing someone banging on it urgently, you certainly didn't expect to see Taehyung - to be more specific: you didn't expect to see Taehyung and most certainly not in the state he was in. His eyes were dark, hair messy, and he had dirt all over his clothes. The most shocking though was his face. His lip was busted and bleeding, and he had a large bruise on his cheekbone.

"Taehyung are you okay ? What happened ?" you asked, panicking.

Taehyung was a regular friend or rather more of an acquaintance of yours. Though you did have a crush on him, you had never made any efforts to get closer to him.

You were someone who struggled to establish relationships with people, to trust and open up to them. So it was only natural that you also withdrew from him.

So with no real ties between the two of you, you wondered why he was showing up at your door out of all the people.

"(Y/N)" he said your name in despair, his voice horse. "Please let me in."

Your hands were shaking as you opened the door wider and let him inside your house. He found his way to the living room where he slumped down on the sofa, clutching his side and grimacing painfully. Still trying to process what was going on, you stiffly stood in the middle of your living room.

Your attention was brought to Taehyung's hands when he lifted his shirt up to inspect his wound. Eyes widening in horror, you realized that he had blood on his hands. A crimson red large wound was on his abdomen, blood still gushing out of it, drenching his shirt.

"I am calling an ambulance" you exclaimed, taking your phone from the coffee table with shaky fingers.

"No" Taehyung sternly told you.

"But Taeh-"

"(Y/N) I said fucking no" he repeated and you bit your lip, trying not to say anything. Sinking on the floor in front of him, you gently lifted his shirt higher to get a good look at his injury.

There was so much blood and it was making you feel lightheaded. The pain he must be experiencing must be awfully intense.

"Taehyung you are bleeding so much" you croaked, beginning to cry uncontrollably. Your nerves were not made of steel and in that moment you felt overwhelmed with the situation.

"(Y/N) calm down" he hissed, putting his hand over yours and pulling his shirt down. He didn't let go of your hand though after that, he held onto it. "(Y/N) you need to help me."

"What ?" you asked incredulously, "How can I help you, Taehyung ? You need to see a doctor, you need stitches this wound is too deep."

"(Y/N) I cannot see a doctor, okay !?" he suddenly raised his voice at you, making you flinch. His dark expression immediately softened when he realized that he had scared you.

"What's going on ?" you demanded after he said that. Your gut was telling you that something really, really bad had happened.

Taehyung adverted his gaze from you, shamefully hiding his face from you by letting his head hang low.

Goosebumps formed on your skin and you grew anxious. Why couldn't he look you in the face ? You understood.

"Taehyung" you softly began, still holding his hand, "Taehyung, what did you do ?"

His shoulders started to shake as he let himself fall into your embrace, burying his head in your neck and sobbing. Instinctively you tensed up due to the proximity between
Taehyung and you. He was clutching onto your shirt and his sobs broke your heart. Hesitantly you put a hand on his back, rubbing it to give him comfort. He was falling apart in front of you and you didn't know what to do.

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