YOONGI - When You Are Drunk For The First Time

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when you are drunk for the first time

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" your boyfriend Yoongi asked you, as he sat across from you on the other side of the table. The both of you were sat on the floor of your living room around your coffee table.

"Yes" you said determined, eyeing the small shot glass "I want to try it once and then never again."

Yoongi shook his head, smiling. He thought you looked way too adorable and innocent to be drinking, especially wearing your pink fleece pajama. You had never had alcohol before since you were strictly against it. But given your current situation with a pandemic going on, you had been on quarantine with your boyfriend for a whole month now.

You had already binge-watched every show on Netflix and had endless movie marathons.
All the both of you did at home was to take naps, watch something or eat. Yoongi had ordered in Chinese takeaway tonight along with a couple bottles of soju. He enjoyed his alcohol thoroughly and claimed to be an expert. He would often tell you about the specialities of wine or how to drink a glass of scotch well even though he knew you didn't drink. Yoongi was an interesting type of drunk, he became very soft and touchy, cuddling you and telling you he wanted to marry you. When you made fun of him the next morning, he would say: "Yah, I bet you would be a much worse drunk than I if you were to drink."

You wanted to find out whether he was going to be right. You felt like trying it just for fun. Since you trusted your boyfriend, you felt safe to get drunk out of your mind. It probably wasn't your best idea, but you felt like it.

"I won't drink tonight then" he said, pushing away his own shot glass.

"Why? We can drink together" you said, pouting.

"I want to full on enjoy this" he grinned, "I feel like I am going to have lots of fun with drunk (y/n)."

You rolled your eyes at him, giving him a sassy look before you raised your shot glass filled with strawberry flavored soju to your lips and drank the liquor in one go.

"Yah" Yoongi scolded, "Take it slow, you beast. This is your first time. Shouldn't girls be taking small sips, grimacing dramatically a couple of times before they down the whole thing?"

"Not your girl" you said, smiling proudly as you held the now empty shot glass to him for him to fill it up, "This tastes really good. It's sweet."

Yoongi chuckled, filling up your glass. "You are a crazy one, I swear."

After your first bottle, Yoongi tried to persuade you to stop drinking but you insisted on starting another bottle.

"Yoongles!" you interrupted him, "Just fill up my glass already. I am not even drunk yet."

He gave you an unimpressed look, stuffing another mini spring roll into his mouth.

"You have been talking about gas prices for the last half an hour nonstop" he said, "And you are seriously telling me you are not drunk?"

"Why can't a woman talk about gas prices? Is there a law that says we can't? I always fill up the gas of our car because you are always too lazy to do it" you complained, snatching the soju bottle from him.

"Yah!" he said, trying to get it back.

"Hush" you shushed him, grinning as you poured yourself another glass. "Ooo this one is peach flavored" you giggled, lifting the glass to your lips.

After your fourth bottle of soju, you had grown unusually quiet and emotional. Resting your chin on your hand, you stared into your filled glass with a pout.

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