JIMIN: studying together

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studying together

It was getting dark outside as you sat in the library of your university to study for an upcoming exam. Your boyfriend Jimin was seated across from you, typing away on his laptop as he worked on his assignment. You two were one of the few left in the library. It had been more than two hours already of the both of you studying. You could tell that Jimin was getting tired and losing his motivation to finish off his assignment. Unlike him you were still motivated to study, so you tried to ignore his occasional sighs. He usually did that to get your attention.

After a couple sighs, he grew frustrated with you and gave up to try and attract your attention. Instead, he rested his head on the table and silently watched you study.

You were way too absorbed by the papers in front of you to notice him staring at you. Jimin softly smiled to himself, as he watched your lips purse and eyebrows knit whenever you got stuck on quiz questions. The dim light in the library created a very cozy atmosphere that made Jimin only get drowsier. He thought of how he could lay like that and watch you for eternity. You would frequently brush your hair back, as strands of it kept falling in your face and adjusting your cute glasses, which you only ever wore when you studied. He watched your thin fingers fly over the keyboard when you added stuff to your study notes. He noticed that your dark blue nail polish was chipped, and he remembered how you hated to wait for your nail polish to dry whenever you painted your nails.

That memory brought back another one of a time when he had let you paint his nails once. You had painted them all different colors and even put glitter on it. It was late in the night and you fell asleep soon afterwards. You promised to remove the nail polish first thing in the morning, but you guys slept in and were late for uni, so you rushed out of the house, completely forgetting about Jimin's pink sparkly nails. He got made fun of by his friends the whole day. He smiled wider as he remembered that day. It had been months, but he could still clearly see your vibrant smile and the lovely sound of your laughter when he chased you down the halls of your university to get back at you for forgetting to remove the nail polish.

He had caught you and locked you tightly in his arms, kissing your neck in the places he knew you were ticklish at.

You reached for your paper cup of coffee and put it to your lips only to realize that you had already finished your coffee. Jimin chuckled at your disappointed expression and lightly touched your leg with his feet underneath the table to gain your attention. When you finally looked at him, he grinned like a child, loving how you still made his heart flutter even after a year of dating.

"We have worked enough" he mumbled tiredly, "Let's go home babe."

"But I am not halfway through with my list" you whined, showing him your to-do list.

"Baby, I am tired" he pouted, head still resting on the table as he spoke. You melted at the sight of him, instantly going soft. Smiling, you reached your hand out to caress his cheek. His skin was soft like silk.

"Okay, let's go home" you gave in. He pulled your hand down to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

"Which home?" he asked you, chuckling. Right, you had two homes. Ever since you had become a couple, you stayed at each other's dorms. You had half your clothes in his apartment, and he had half of his in yours.

Every day you would spontaneously decide on where you were going to stay for the night. There no longer was his and your place, both places were your home. Wherever he was, was your home. Wherever you were, was his home.

"Let's go to my apartment, it's closer" you suggested, and he only weakly nodded his head in agreement.

The both of you quickly packed up your things and left the library hand in hand. Jimin swung your intertwined hands as you walked down the stairs, making you giggle at his childish behavior. He loved how your hand fit perfectly in his. Holding your hand was one of the biggest joys to him.

When you exited the building the cold night breeze made the both of you shiver. You both instinctively scooted closer to each other as you made your way to your apartment complex a few blocks away. The both of you were exhausted from your long day at uni and barely talked on your way back home. Jimin tightly held your hand and randomly brought it up to his lips, kissing it once in a while. You got butterflies in your stomach whenever he did that. People passing by always looked at the both of you. Girls would give you envious but yet adoring looks. You could understand them, since you had been in their place once too. Whenever, couples walked past you on the street you would always watch them with a heavy heart.

You were happy for them and at the same time you had envied them for having someone to call theirs. Now that you had Jimin, you felt like the luckiest girl on earth. He made your every day a memorable one. Your daily routines felt exciting with him and you were able to find thrill in anything you did as long as he was there. After having longed and imagined to fall asleep in someone's arm for so long, you now got to sleep cuddled up to your Jimin, his sweet scent in your nose and his soft breathing filling your quiet nights.

When you arrived home, Jimin put his backpack down and shifted from one foot to the other as he snuggled into his jacket.

"It is so cold out and it's not even winter yet" he complained and you giggled, loosely placing your arms around his neck and looking at his cute nose which had turned red from the cold. You kissed the tip of his nose multiple times, having him smile softly. He looked so adorable with his rosy cheeks and red nose.

"My baby is cold" you cooed, pecking his lips.

"Warm your baby up then" he said, snuggling his face in your neck. Chuckling softly, you walked him to your bed still hugging him. As you reached your bed, you let yourself fall onto it. Jimin quickly flipped you over, so that you were laying under him. He kissed you all over your face and trailed kisses down your neck.

"I want to make out and cuddle with you all day and never ever leave our bed" he mumbled in between the kisses. "I want to spend the rest of my life like this with you."

You took his face in your hands and made him look at you. His warm brown eyes were full of love.

"I love you Jiminah" you whispered.

"I love you (y/n)ah" he whispered back, before he connected your lips again.

You quickly got ready for bed and cuddled each other to keep warm. Jimin's head rested on your chest, his arm wrapped around your waist as you both read a webtoon on your phone. You usually read them together, snuggled up like this.

Sometimes you read them on Jimin's phone and sometimes on yours. When the both of you got drowsy, you put the phone away and cuddled some more until you fell asleep. Life was truly great in your own little bubble where only the both of you existed. Jimin & y/n.

*A/N more of my imagines on Instagram at moonchild_starrynight

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