JIN: when you are on your period

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when you are on your period and your roommate takes care of you

You couldn't sleep as you felt your cramps get worse and worse.

Sitting up in bed, you opened the drawer of your nightstand to get a painkiller. You tried not to make too much noise, but you had to move things in your drawer to find the painkillers.  Jin, your roommate, woke up from the noise, sleepily lifting himself a little, he looked at you over his shoulder. Seeing you sitting in your bed, he full on turned to you.

"Y/N?" he said in his groggy sleepy voice.
"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Go back to sleep kook, I will just take some painkillers for my cramps and sleep too" you told him, "Sorry for waking you up."

Jin completely ignored you apologizing.

"Cramps?" he asked, feeling worried.

"It's just period cramps nothing serious" you told him.

"Oh.." he mumbled. Getting out of bed, he gave you his water bottle so that you didn't have to get up to get some water. Surprised but thankful you took the bottle from him, gulping down the painkiller.

"Heat helps with cramps right? Want me to prepare a hot water bottle for you?" he asked softly.

"No, it's okay. Go back to sleep, you have classes early in the morning" you said, not wanting to bother him any longer.

But Jin wasn't planning to go to bed until you felt better. He had a weak spot for you. There was no way he could go back to sleep knowing that you were in pain.

He hesitantly climbed on your bed, squeezing into the space between you and the wall.

"Hey" you chuckled, confused with his actions. "What are you doing? Lost your way? Go back to your own bed."

Grinning, he pulled you down. Falling back into your pillow, you sighed. Your cramps were really bad this time around. It felt like your ovaries were being torn in two. Jin could tell that you were in pain, and it made him sad.

Pulling your back into his chest, his arms snaked around your waist. Nuzzling his face in your neck, he slipped his hand underneath your shirt and lifted the waistband of your pajama bottoms a little, placing his hand on your abdomen and rubbing it gently.

"This might help" he mumbled into your hair, eyes closed.

"Thank you Jin" you said, closing your eyes. The both of you were very tired. Jin kept rubbing your tummy, making you get sleepy.

In a matter of minutes you were sleeping soundly. Not much later Jin also fell asleep, his hand still underneath your shirt.

In the morning, Jin woke up when you removed his arm over you and wiggled out of his embrace.

"Hmm" he groaned, feeling cold when you left the bed. "Come back here, let's sleep more."

You didn't even respond as you hurried to the bathroom. It was a nightmare in the mornings when you woke up and changing your pad was long overdue. As you cleaned yourself up you noticed that you had leaked on your underwear and pajama bottoms.

"Fuck my life" you muttered. Tossing both pieces of clothing in the laundry basket, you went to the door, opening it a little.

"Seokjin" you called him, but he had already fallen asleep again.

"Seokjin!" you called louder, waking him up.

"What do you want?" he whined.

"You have to give me a new pair of underwear" you told him. It was embarrassing to a certain extent, but it wasn't too bad. You could live with it. He had been your roommate for nearly two years now. There was not much room left for embarrassment.

Rolling out of bed, he sleepily rummaged in your drawer, pulling out a pair of plain white panties and handing it to you through the slit.

"Thank you, but can you give me a new pair of pajama bottoms too?" you asked him, but Jin was still half-asleep.

"Your shirt is oversized enough to cover your butt, you are fine" he mumbled, crawling back into your bed. "It's just me anyways" he said.

Heaving a frustrated sigh, you slipped on your clean underwear. Looking down at your shirt, you decided he was right. The shirt reached your mid-thigh, that was enough cover.

Going back to bed, you climbed underneath the duvet. Jin immediately scurried closer to you, putting a hand on your abdomen over your shirt.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked in a calm voice, eyes closed.

"No, it doesn't hurt right now" you told him, putting a hand over his.

"Are you bleeding a lot?" he then asked, making you chuckle.

"What kind of question even is that?" you laughed.

"Stop making fun of me, I am just curious" he mumbled, whiny.

"Yes, I am bleeding a lot" you answered, "It gets lighter from the third day on" you told him.

"Ahh okay" he said, "Do you have enough pads? Shall I buy you more later?"

"No need to, thank you" you said, smiling at his adorable sleepy face. He was practically sleep talking to you, only half-conscious. Running your fingers through his soft hair, you rested your head against his. Jin snuggled closer to you instinctively.

"Shall I wake you up for your class at 8?" you asked him, knowing he probably forgot to set an alarm as always.

"No" he mumbled almost inaudibly, "Let's skip uni today and sleep in."

"Yah, it's only me who is on their period" you chuckled, "You have no excuses to skip class."

"Who will keep your tummy warm if I am gone?" he reasoned, making you smile softly.

"You are right, good point" you admitted.

"Let me sleep now" he mumbled sleepily.

"Okay big baby" you said, continuing to play with his hair until the both of you had fallen asleep again.

*A/N cuddly Seokjinnie is the best (instagram at moonchild_starrynigth)

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